Staying Safe Online Webinar

Are you a Senior, or do you have a Senior in your life, who is looking to build their confidence online? CERT NZ’s Staying Safe Online for Senior’s webinar is coming up on the 20th of February and is designed to empower seniors, as well as friends and whānau, with the know-how to safely navigate … Continued


National Volunteer Week 18 -24 June

National Volunteer Week (NVW) 2017 will be held from 18 to 24 June. Volunteering is good for you, your community and for the social development of the country because it helps build the “social fabric” that keeps us connected and engaged in our world. Age Concern is very fortunate to have a dedicated team of … Continued


Men’s Health Week 12-18 June 2017

Every three hours one New Zealand man dies of a preventable illness, and every 90 minutes one Kiwi dies from heart disease, and many of these are also preventable. For the sake of those who love us and depend on us, this has got to change. Here’s the good news though – we all have … Continued


Dame Peggy Koopman-Boyden recognised for 45 years of service

(Published by She has given more than 45 years of service to gerontology, but a newly recognised dame said the honour is not hers – it’s for the thousands of elderly people she’s served. Dame Peggy Koopman-Boyden was recognised for services to seniors in the Queen’s Birthday Honours 2017. Dame Peggy was one of two dames named this year – the other … Continued


“Healthy diet” bad for old people

75-year-olds lose muscle mass on “healthy diet”, leading to possible loss of quality of life according to research from University of Auckland’s School of Population Health. Bread is an important protein for older people to help guard against muscle and mobility loss and deteriorating quality of life, according to a leading study about living beyond … Continued


Identifying early signs of dementia

There is no single cause of dementia, but being vigilant about changes in your daily life and recognising the possible symptoms is a key factor in early detections. The onset of dementia can be subtle and sometimes the symptoms may not be immediately obvious (or they may be subtle enough that you’d like to deny … Continued


Privacy Week – How do you share your banking information?

This privacy week take some time to consider how you can control your personal information to avoid financial scams – says the Banking Ombudsman Nicola Sladden. When someone asks you for your personal information, your login details or your account information, think about why they would need it and whether you’re comfortable sharing it. Sometimes … Continued


Expo 2017 Coming Soon

Planning for the 11th annual Positive Ageing Expo is underway. The expo will be held at Papanui High School on Monday October 2nd from 9am to 2.30pm. Over 150 exhibitors will be there to explain their services and demonstrate their activities. There will be something for everyone. Exhibitors enquiries to Yvonne Palmer at 03 3660903 … Continued


The landline isn’t going away…

Voice communications in New Zealand is in for a massive upgrade with Spark New Zealand announcing recently that it is switching from the ageing Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) to a next generation IP-based network… but the landline isn’t going away. The new network, to be progressively phased in over the next five years, will provide … Continued


Research Study for Insomnia Patients with Alzheimer’s

If you or your loved one have sleep problems – and also have Alzheimer’s – Dr Nigel Gilchrist at CGM Research Trust invites you to learn more about a clinical research study. to be eligible for participation, you or your loved one must: Be 50 to 90 years old Have a diagnosis of Insomnia and … Continued
