Our Mission : “to achieve well-being, rights, respect and dignity for older people”


Membership is a way the community can support the work that Age Concern Canterbury does on behalf of the older people of Canterbury. Membership doesn’t entitle the member to any special concessions or services but does impact on voting rights. Our services are available to anyone over 65 regardless of membership.

Age Concern Canterbury has four classes of membership. These are Individual Member, Friend, and Honorary Life Member.

Individual Members and Honorary life Members have voting rights at our AGM.

Friends show their support for Age Concern Canterbury by paying a $10 subscription.

If you would you like to know more about Age Concern Canterbury’s work and services and be involved with an organisation that works to achieve wellbeing, rights, respect and dignity for older people, contact us or fill in the membership form attached below and send to:

24 Main North Road


Christchurch 8053

Telephone (03) 366 0903
Freephone 0800 80 33 44
Fax (03) 365 0639
Email team@ageconcerncan.org.nz

Download Membership Form: Click Here
