SeniorNet Canterbury Inc. (Senior Net)

Provides opportunity for people over the age of 50 years to learn technology skills in a friendly environment. A non-profit making organisation helping them to become more confident and competent computer users. SeniorNet Canterbury Courses are based on the Microsoft Word operating system but they also have workshops covering Android and Ipad smart phones and tablets.

Memoirs and Biographies

Capture memories – Di can help you write your life story. This is to assist individuals who want their experiences recorded for posterity. It would also potentially benefit family members who want to capture their loved one’s recollections but don’t know where to start. Give Di a call on the number above to discuss.

Clan Donald Society of New Zealand Canterbury

Preservation of Scottish interests and traditions. Help with genealogy. Social activities include wine trails, ten pin bowling, mini golf, dinners, socialise with other Clans    .Contact Margaret for further information.
