Beckenham Baptist Church

Office hours: Tuesday 8.30am – 12.30pm, Thursday 9.00am – 10.00am The Church is reviewing the current activities. A music and play group is available for toddlers and a craft group available but other activities are to be organised. Ring the office and inquire.

Wainoni Avonside Community Services (WACS)

WACST@Burwood, 58130 Burwood Road, is a venue where people of all ages can meet for fun & enjoy the company of others. ACTIVITIES PROGRAMMES: MONDAY     Tai Chi                               10am – 11am         $3 Zumba Gold          … Continued

St Ninians Church

Sunday services at 9.30 am. Office hours are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9:30am until 12:30pm Menzshed call the parish (03) 348 6418 The church also has available for booking 2 lounges that can seat 20-40 with small kitchen attached & a hall. . THURSDAY at 10am Coffee/tea & muffins weekly. For further information ring (03) … Continued

Mt Pleasant/Heathcote Anglican Church

Community Lunch: Lunch is served for mainly older people living alone or who enjoy meeting up with friends. If you would like to join, contact Judy on 3841379. AAW – Ladies Meeting. 3rd Tuesday of each month. 7.30pm. Contact Pat Owen Ph 328 8182 Services alternate, at St Mary’s, Heathcote and the Church of Ascension, Major … Continued

St Faiths Anglican Church

Gentle Exercise Class (For Older People). Each Thursday Morning 9:30am to 10:30am in Church Hall. Sit and be fit class – Monday 1:00pm – 2:00pm Community Lunch – every Wednesday at 12:00pm Foot Clinic – Wednesday afternoon every 3 weeks Fruit and Vege Co-op every Tuesday 2:00pm – 6:00pm for pick up of ordered vegetables … Continued

St Marys Anglican Church Hall

FRIENDS & NEIGHBOURS FELLOWSHIP GROUP: Social gathering for lonely & retired, cards, housie, raffles, outings, entertainment, tea & coffee $1.00 per visit, arrange bus outings. Meets on Tuesday 1 pm (except 1st Tuesday of the month). Contact the Church office on the number above or Judy Palmer Ph 420 0923. AAW – Daytime Group – … Continued

Avonside Holy Trinity Church

WEDNESDAY CAFÉ lunchtime gatherings for senior citizens, held on 2nd Wednesday of each month, 11.30 AM – 1.00 PM. All older people from local community are welcome. Contact Colleen at  the  Parish Office, Telephone 389 6948 for further information. AAW running on fourth Saturday of the month with a speaker or an activity. 10.30am. All … Continued

St Marks Presbyterian Church

WESTBURN WOMENS INSTITUTE – 2nd Monday of month 1.30-3.30pm Contact Jan Cleland 357 8121 CRAFT FOR ALL – Thursdays 10.00am; share skills, learn new ones. $3 joining fee, 50c per session for tea. Contact Jess Glading 358 5172 INDOOR BOWLS – (March to September) Mondays 1.15pm, Wednesdays 7.20pm. Soft shoes needed. $10 per year plus … Continued

St Martins Friendship Club

Meet on a Thursday,12.30 pm to 3.00pm at the Friendship Centre,  Opawa Baptist Church Hall, Cnr Wilsons Road and Hastings Street East. Entertainers every week followed by afternoon tea. Bus outings, every couple of months. Club for senior citizens (60 and over) New members always welcome.
