Kaiapoi Community Support

Offer support and services to the Kaiapoi Community. Volunteer drivers are available. Foodbank: Monday to Thursday 9am – 3pm. They also provide a number of other services as well including: Social workers and counsellors, Community law clinic fortnightly, administer Meals on Wheels, community Christmas giving programme. For information on these ring the above number.


  CINCH (Community Information Christchurch) is a database of community information maintained by Christchurch City Libraries. Currently it lists almost 6 000 clubs and community organisations,1,853 courses and 90 individuals. Information can be found by keyword and name. It is available on the Web site above. Printouts, mailing labels, Word tables and Excel spreadsheets are … Continued

Citizens Advice Bureau – North Canterbury CAB

(Check the National website  to find the nearest bureau details) Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday, 9am to 4.30pm. Offer free impartial & confidential guidance and support of information and referral by trained volunteers.

Citizens Advice Bureau Christchurch – West CAB

Hours of Operation: 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday. (Please refer to our website for current hours) Offer free confidential service, information and referral by trained volunteers. Free legal clinic Thursday from 6.15pm. Call to confirm on the day. Justice of the Peace Clinic: Monday and Thursday 9.30am – 12.30pm. Call to confirm on the day. … Continued

Battered Womens Trust ( Womens Refuge )

Practical help and support is available for any woman who is the victim of domestic violence. The Trust is affiliated to the National Collective of Independent Women’s Refuge and networks closely with other Christchurch Refuges: West Christchurch Refuge, Rose House, Otautahi Women’s Refuge; and also work closely with Shakti.
