Norwester Art Group

Held at Christchurch Girls high School, 10 Matai Street, on Tuesday evenings 7.15pm – 9.15pm, . No experience needed, just fun with fellow learners. For further information and costs etc  ring Courtney at the above telephone number.

St Marks Presbyterian Church

WESTBURN WOMENS INSTITUTE – 2nd Monday of month 1.30-3.30pm Contact Jan Cleland 357 8121 CRAFT FOR ALL – Thursdays 10.00am; share skills, learn new ones. $3 joining fee, 50c per session for tea. Contact Jess Glading 358 5172 INDOOR BOWLS – (March to September) Mondays 1.15pm, Wednesdays 7.20pm. Soft shoes needed. $10 per year plus … Continued

Kaiapoi Day Centre ( Darnley Club)

The Darnley Club operates Mondays to Fridays, 9.00am to 3.30pm Provide morning and afternoon tea and a hot meal midday. For further information regarding costs, etc ring the above number at the Centre. Offer a variety of activities, crafts, entertainment etc. Transport available, if required, depending on locality.

Handiscope Centres

Handiscope groups provide craft activities for people with intellectual and physical disabilities in various locations around the city. The Centres are located in: Hoon Hay, – Dot , Ph 942 8043 Hornby – Gaye, Ph 349 5411 Papanui – Pat, Ph 351 8814 Woolston – Val, Ph 331 7328 Ashburton – Janet, Ph 03 308 … Continued

Handiscope Papanui

Provide craft activities for people with intellectual and physical disabilities. Meet at Chapel Street Centre, Christchurch North Methodist Parish, crn. Harewood Road and Chapel Street. On Wednesday 10.00- 12.00noon,

Handiscope Hoon Hay

Provide activities for people with intellectual and physical disabilities. Meet at the Scout Den, Halswell Domain, Halswell, on Thursdays, 10am till 1pm. Small fee for  lunch and a small raffle.This is $3.

Handiscope Hornby

Provide craft activities for people with intellectual and physical disabilities. Meet at the Community Centre, (library building) Goulding Avenue, Hornby, on Thursdays,10am till 1.00pm. .

Canterbury Patchwork & Quilting

Visitors are welcome to attend meetings of the Guild, which are held on the first Saturday of the month at the Christchurch Bridge Club, Nova Place, Christchurch, times 1-30pm – 3.30pm. Also on the third Thursday morning of the month, times 9-30am – 11am

Christchurch Photographic Society

The society welcomes anyone with an interest in photography, no matter experience level or type of camera. There are members who are totally new and others who are successful international salon competitors. The club has in excess of 150 members, interested in all aspects of photography. You are most welcome to visit Christchurch Photographic Society at any … Continued
