Canterbury Croquet Association

Outdoor Croquet; September to March.; There are 13 outdoor clubs: Akaroa, Barrington Park, Cashmere, Diamond Harbour, Edgeware, Elmwood Park, Fendalton, Holmes Park, Hornby, Kaiapoi, Rangiora, St James Park, St Martins, United(Hagley Park). For further information about these Clubs Phone: Greg Bryant 027 580 3158 Indoor Croquet There are also 6 Indoor Clubs playing indoor croquet. These … Continued

St Martins Croquet Club

Situated in Gamblins Road and on the Orbiter Route. Club days are: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday with a 1.00pm start. Coaching is available for a fee and the use of necessary equipment is available to new members.

Hornby Croquet Club

Welcomes new members of all ages. Free coaching offered. Plays Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday in summer from 1pm Plays Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday in winter from 1pm Also play Golf Croquet which is very easy to learn.          
