Brookhaven Retirement Village and Rest Home

Offers rest home and dementia care services for the elderly. Subject to vacancies, short term stays can be arranged for people whose families wish to take a holiday or are temporarily unable to care for their elderly relation. Brookhaven also offers for sale two-bedroom villas which are self-contained and adjacent to the rest home. All … Continued

Kaiapoi Day Centre ( Darnley Club)

The Darnley Club operates Mondays to Fridays, 9.00am to 3.30pm Provide morning and afternoon tea and a hot meal midday. For further information regarding costs, etc ring the above number at the Centre. Offer a variety of activities, crafts, entertainment etc. Transport available, if required, depending on locality.

Hornby Day Care Centre for the Elderly

The Hornby Day Care Centre is managed by experienced staff all trained in care of the older people. Day care is open Monday to Friday, 10 am to 2.30 pm. We provide a warm welcoming environment and a range of entertainment and activities. For further information please contact the Manager.
