Presbyterian Support Upper South Island

Offer specialised counselling and social work for older people, their families and carers. ENLIVEN POSITIVE AGEING groups are available and held at the Campbell Centre, 44 Bealey Avenue, (unless otherwise stated). For further information or to enrol for groups, phone 363 8214. HomeShare: Support older people living in their home community. HomeShare invites small groups … Continued

Catholic Social Services

Catholic Social Services offers high quality programmes at absolutely no charge to anyone in need. Our counsellors are members of professional bodies to which they are accountable. The Agency works within the guidelines of the Privacy Act (1993). All our clients can expect a caring, safe environment, respectful and non-judgmental treatment, cultural awareness and complete … Continued

Skylight Publications

Support resources for young and old to grow strength and resilience in tough times. Skylight also supports the caregivers, relatives, friends, workmates and professionals caring for them.

Grief Counselling Booklet

Common sense and comfort for the grieving: What normal grief is What to expect and how to handle it Staying in the drivers seat Answers and practical guidelines Help for people who want help What to say and what not to Book ‘Getting through Grief’ available through Christine on the above number or leave a … Continued

Libby Drayton

Available for older clients through the Harakeke Centre. Free counselling for those suffering earthquake stress. Qualified and experienced in a diverse range of client needs including loss, grief and separation and caring for elderly. Qualifications: M.N.Z.A.C.,B.A., Adv.Dip.Tching, Adviser in Special Education, Reg Teacher- Primary,Secondary,Tertiary,Teacher of Deaf, Remedial Reading Specialist,ESOL.

Hospice New Zealand

HospiceNZ is the national organisation responsible for the promotion of access to quality hospice/palliative care in New Zealand. Most hospice/palliative care services are members of Hospice New Zealand and are committed to achieving “The Hospice New Zealand Standards for Provision of Hospice/Palliative Care”. To be referred to a Hospice Palliative Care Service near you, contact … Continued

(Booklet) When Someone Dies Suddenly

In New Zealand the law states that before a body is buried or cremated, either a doctor must give a certificate as to the cause of death, or a coroner must make an Order. This is necessary to make sure everyone who dies is identified and the cause of death is established. This helps to … Continued
