
Anne was a nurse for over 20 years at Ngaio Marsh and Nazareth House Retirement homes. She started Blitzit in 2007 and has helped many retired people declutter and organise their homes. If you are considering downsizing Anne will help you decide what to keep , pack your items and help you unpack on moving … Continued

South West Baptist Church (New Horizons)

Formerly Spreydon Baptist There are numerous community ministries under the umbrella of South West Baptist Church.: New Horizons provides activities such as: Coffee morning. 1st Thursday each month at 10.30am. Outings, fellowship, interest groups, speakers. get-togethers. Ring number above for timetable. Monday Movers – 6 Balcairn Street, Halswell. Ph322 7244. Meets on Monday at 1.15pm. … Continued

Mary Potter Community Centre

For people who would like to meet new friends and join in social activities at the centre.Open Mondays & Thursdays from 10am to 4pm. Activities include exercise and a cup of tea, housie, movies, travel club and games. For further information, ring the above telephone number. Monday Programme:- 9:30am – Games 10:00am – Morning tea … Continued

Tenants’ Protection Association

To contact TPA Please clearly leave your name and number and they will get back to you as soon as possible. There is also a TPA staff member working out of the Linwood Community Link on Ensors Road each morning for appointments. They offer a free confidential advisory service; mediation between flatmates; education and training … Continued

Housing New Zealand Corporation

Case Management and Suitable Homes Services (the latter formerly Community Housing Ltd) and Community Group Housing. Case Management Service assists people whose housing needs are complex and who face significant barriers to suitable and sustainable housing. Case Managers in Christchurch cover the City, Central and North Canterbury. They can be contacted directly by calling 0800 … Continued

Lifemark Design – Home design

Based on the key principles of adaptability, accessibility and safety, Lifemark Design standards make the home you build fit for purpose now and into the future. The Lifemark™ is an independent seal of approval awarded to homes that have been designed and built to achieve specific quality design standards which make them easy and safe … Continued


All clients should be advised to request a referral from their G.P. for a full assessment before entering rest home care. Older Persons Health  Adult Community  Referral Service  Burwood Hospital  337 765 Rental One bedroom & Bedsits available within village atmosphere.

Granny Villas – Sustainable Housing Solution

A warm, efficient and low maintenance housing solution for those who are in a position to share their section with a parent/other. It provides a comfortable home separate from the main dwelling that is purchased back and removed when it is no longer required.(The dwelling is permitted by local authorities on the condition that when … Continued

Cobham Village Trust

Low market rental for independent living seniors of limited means who don’t own a home. Twenty one bedroom flats and four two bedroom flats in the Spreydon complex. A waiting list exists but contact Brad on the number above for further information or to express interest.
