Facet Friendship Club
A non-profit friendship / social club for single men, women and couples, suitable for people over the age of 50.. Activities include dining out, dancing, cards, theatre going etc.
A non-profit friendship / social club for single men, women and couples, suitable for people over the age of 50.. Activities include dining out, dancing, cards, theatre going etc.
Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million community volunteers. Rotary members are business and community leaders who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards, and help build good will and peace in the world. Ring the number above or use the website for your local Rotary Group.
Slot car racing enjoyed a worldwide boom in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. There are no longer commercial raceways, but clubs operate throughout New Zealand, racing slot cars that are a far cry from the brass rod and Mabuchi motored wonders of the sport’s hey day.
The society welcomes anyone with an interest in photography, no matter experience level or type of camera. There are members who are totally new and others who are successful international salon competitors. The club has in excess of 150 members, interested in all aspects of photography. You are most welcome to visit Christchurch Photographic Society at any … Continued