Christchurch Citadel Companions
Monthly meetings of over 50 year olds with outings and guest speakers. Afternoon tea included.
Monthly meetings of over 50 year olds with outings and guest speakers. Afternoon tea included.
Meets 1st Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm at the Plunket Rooms in Fern Drive. Arts and crafts, speakers and demonstrations .Ring the above numbers for further information
Kiwianis is a global organisation of volunteers dedicated to changing the world, one child, one community at a time. Riccarton Club meets 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 6.00pm. Kiwianis Club of North West Christchurch Meet at the Becks Southern Alehouse 155 Colombo Street Beckenham
Meet every Wednesday from 5.30pm for 6.00pm start,.men and women are welcome at this rotary Club The club meet at Wigram Manor 14 Henry Wigram Drive ( off Springs Road)
Meets 4th Thursday of the month at 1.30pm. A friendly group which helps others, where possible. Craft groups also available.
Wood work, metal work, community projects, own projects. Open for various sessions, morning tea and friendship.
Join a group on Tuesday 1.00pm – 3.00pm.
The Lions Club serves the local community, offering fun and fellowship within a group of members. Meets first Wednesday of the month at 6.00pm and 3rd Wednesday at 7.00pm. Contact the above members for further information.
An exercise class for older pacific adults. Meet each Tuesday 11.00am-12.00noon. Transport can be provided. Fellowship and games. Refreshment provided.
The Leisure Club for Older Adults is a fun programme featuring a wide range of interesting and fun activities including trips, afternoon teas, games and quizzes and speakers. Meets the first Wednesday of every month between 1-3pm at the Village Presbyterian Church, corner of Ilam and Aorangi Roads.