Bethesda Hospital Complex

They would be delighted to have the opportunity to talk with you about their care. Phone Chris McCulloch, the care home manager, or feel free to drop in at any time. The community Liaison Coordinator can help you with all and any information about moving into a care home, and about the choice of Bupa … Continued

Selwyn Libraries

Books and other items are available to you from the Selwyn Libraries. You can use a Selwyn Library card at any of the Libraries and return borrowed items at whichever branch you’re nearest at the time. There are five Libraries for you to use across Selwyn: Darfield Library 1 South Terrace, Darfield Ph: 03 3187780 … Continued

Linwood Ave Community Corner Trust

Available programmes : Community Health worker Community Activities Health Programmes Space to rent for community activities may be available. Phone Jennie  389 5303

NZ Federation of Disability Information Centres

Information line : 0800 693 342 Enable New Zealand & NZ Federation of Disability Information Centres have been contracted to manage and co-ordinate the collection, collation, verification and dissemination of generic disability information, networked throughout New Zealand for consumer access. Weka (what everyone keeps asking about disability) is a Website developed by the NZ Federation … Continued

Falls prevention – Home based

The Care Coordination Centre receives referrals from GPs and other health professionals for the Home Based Exercise Programme and coordinate the providers to meet your needs. Have you fallen in the last 12 months? And are you aged 65 years or over? If you want to access the Home Based Exercise Programme and have a … Continued

Education at ARA

Ara (previously CPIT) offers many weekday, weekend, & evening adult & community education classes. Many of these are non-assessed & non-formal learning opportunities for lifelong learners of all backgrounds & ages. Topics include: International languages; Maori language & culture, crafts; community arts; adult literacy; courses for women; art & design; songwriting; voice development; digital photography; … Continued

Ballantyne J And Co. Ltd.

Website: Ballantyne’s have a variety of walking sticks (including folding) located in the Men’s Wear department. Costs vary. They can be adjusted to correct size to suit individual needs. People who go in to rest home care are required to have all clothing labelled. Ballantynes can supply sewing of garment tags. Wheelchairs are available … Continued

Elms Court Rest Home

Give 24 hr care in a small 18 bed rest home in a family orientated environment. Consideration is given to the contentment of each person and extends to their emotional and spiritual well being. Pets are welcome.  All clients should be advised to request a referral from their G.P. for a full assessment before entering … Continued

Human Rights Commission

Ring the Help Desk number above for complaints of discrimination based on sex, marital status, religious or ethical belief, race and colour, ethnic or national origins, age, disability, family status, political opinion, employment status, sexual orientation. In public life the Act covers: Employment, e.g. Hiring & firing employees etc; Education, e.g. Student applications; Access to … Continued

Commerce Commission

The Commerce Commission enforces legislation that promotes competition in New Zealand markets and prohibits misleading and deceptive conduct by traders. The Commission also enforces a number of pieces of legislation specific to the telecommunications, dairy and electricity industries. In ensuring compliance with the legislation it enforces, the Commission undertakes investigation and where appropriate takes court … Continued
