Gambling Help Line – 24 hour service

Provide professional counselling services on Gambling related issues. Now funded by Ministry of Health Gambling problem hotline : 0800 654 655 (all calls confidential) Hours Tues 5-9 p.m., Thu night 6-9pm,Fri 12-4pm Maori Gambling Helpline : 0800 654 656 Hrs Wed 5-9pm,Sat 8am noon Mon 12pm-4 pm Pacifika line – 0800 654 657 Debtline specifically … Continued

Canterbury Chess Club

Main club night is Wednesday night, starting at around 7:30pm, and finishing when you finish your game. The club’s junior and coaching sessions are also run every Wednesday, from 6:15pm till 7:15pm. For more information, e-mail the Secretary, Craig Hall, or you can call him on 021 1289-543. Location The clubrooms are located at Unit … Continued

Broadcasting Standards Authority

Broadcasters are obliged by law to maintain certain standards. People have a legal right to make formal complaints if they think the standards have been breached. Formal complaints must be in writing and sent to broadcasters first and they must have procedures to deal with such complaints. If a complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome … Continued

Clinical Hypnotherapist

‘Change your thoughts and change your world’ Ants Parder is a Development Facilitator and has a Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy. Everybody welcome.


POWERSWITCH is a free, independent online service provided by the Consumers’ Institute with the support of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs. Use PowerSwitch to compare what you’re paying against other prices offered in the market. Very easy online questionnaire to follow.

Adult and Community Education

A wide range of classes suitable for all ages. Classes are held in the late afternoon, evenings or weekends. Contact the schools for more details. Cashmere High School – 172 Rose Street, Somerfield, Ph 332 9129 Hagley Community College – 510 Hagley Ave, Addington, Ph379 3090 Hillmorton High School – Tankerville Road, Hillmorton, Ph 3385119 … Continued

Access Community Health Canterbury

Access Homehealth is a community based charitable organisation providing home based care and support for individuals and families. Serves the Canterbury Community from Kaikoura to Waimate and Arthur’s Pass to Akaroa. Services available: Domestic assistance; Personal care assistance; Childcare; ACC home help; ACC Personal Care/rehabilitation assistance. The services are provided by trained carers under the … Continued

Kauri Lodge Riccarton Retirement Village

A family owned rest home. Studio Rooms available under occupational rights agreements or to rent. All rooms have ensuites. 13 independent villas. Enquiries welcome. All clients should be advised to request a referral from their G.P. for a full assessment before entering rest home care. Older Persons Health Assessment and Community Service Teams ,Burwood hospital … Continued

YWCA Accommodation

Provide emergency accommodation for women and their families at 285 Hereford Street (near the City Mission). People must be referred by  Ministry of Social Development Social Housing to access this emergency accommodation.
