Legal Referral Services
Community Law Canterbury provides free legal information. Phone for an appointment. Community Law Canterbury also provides a legal information service between 10.00am – 4.00pm Monday – Friday
Community Law Canterbury provides free legal information. Phone for an appointment. Community Law Canterbury also provides a legal information service between 10.00am – 4.00pm Monday – Friday
• Independent living in a private apartment • Full rest home care delivered to your apartment • Respite, palliative and convalescent care All clients should be advised to request a referral from their G.P. for a full assessment before entering rest home care. Older Persons Health Assessment and community Team , Burwood Hospital, 337 7765
Provides free and confidential advice to everyone. Information and support to meet your needs. Hours of operation: 10am – 1pm Monday – Friday.
The Lyttelton Recreation Centre reopened in early 2016. and is managed by the Christchurch City Couincil Community Facilities Advisor. . Please see the website for the activities or community bookings.
Stage 2 rest home. Up to 28 residents. En suites with most rooms. Hospital unit with 20 beds. Close to shops etc. All clients should be advised to request a referral from their G.P. for a full assessment before entering rest home care Older Persons Health, Princess Margaret Hospital, ph. 337 7808.
Available 9am-5pm. Offer affordable counselling for children couples and families (single sessions are available). Older people are welcome. By referral only. Live-in parenting programme – 6 weeks – with 24 hour support.
Offer support and services to the Kaiapoi Community. Volunteer drivers are available. Foodbank: Monday to Thursday 9am – 3pm. They also provide a number of other services as well including: Social workers and counsellors, Community law clinic fortnightly, administer Meals on Wheels, community Christmas giving programme. For information on these ring the above number.
The Association provides training and sets standards for Justices of the Peace of whom there are over approx. 705 in Canterbury. See Justices of the Peace list (categorised under suburb names) in Yellow Pages. Their ministerial duties are extensive. They witness, take oaths and declarations, certify true copies, take information and complaints and can even … Continued
The Darnley Club operates Mondays to Fridays, 9.00am to 3.30pm Provide morning and afternoon tea and a hot meal midday. For further information regarding costs, etc ring the above number at the Centre. Offer a variety of activities, crafts, entertainment etc. Transport available, if required, depending on locality.
Handiscope groups provide craft activities for people with intellectual and physical disabilities in various locations around the city. The Centres are located in: Hoon Hay, – Dot , Ph 942 8043 Hornby – Gaye, Ph 349 5411 Papanui – Pat, Ph 351 8814 Woolston – Val, Ph 331 7328 Ashburton – Janet, Ph 03 308 … Continued