The Beach Vista social group is really for anyone over 30! They offer senior support, but also enjoy having a mixed age range at social gatherings.
They meet fortnightly on a Thursday at 1.30pm at Beach Campus. They alternate their events between talking and games, to an outing of some sort. These can change depending on the weather. They also go out for day trips once a month during October – May. The cost for all events is $2 and afternoon tea is provided. They’d love to have you come along!
Coffee and chat on Wednesday 9.30-11.30am during the school term. Free refreshments and coffee.
Grace Vineyard have services at the following venues:
CITY CAMPUS // 150 Ferry Road, Philipstown
BEACH CAMPUS // 111-113 Seaview Road, New Brighton
PLAINS CAMPUS // Rangiora Borough School Hall,
PEGASUS CAMPUS // Pegasus Bay School Hall, 5 Solander Road