Wheelchairs for Shoppers



A number of shopping centres in Christchurch have wheelchairs available for shoppers. There is no charge to have the use of a wheelchair, however bookings are advised. Most require ID.
The malls include:
FreshChoice, (Avonhead Shopping Centre) 358 7775
Ballantynes 379 7400 – ring first as sometimes it needs to be booked.
Barrington Mall 332 4221
Bush Inn Shopping Centre 348 6993 Ring first if you wish to be met at the vehicle.
Eastgate Shopping Centre 982 0800
Hornby Mall 349 7288
Merivale Mall 355 9692 Call management to make arrangement.
Northlands Mall 352 6535 (4 wheelchairs, 1 mobility scooter)
Westfield Riccarton 983 4500 (3 W/chairs, 2 Mobility scooters – photo ID required)
South City Shopping Centre 379 7190 ( 1w/c Main Kiosk- Warehouse 1 w/c)
The Palms Mall 385 3067 (3 available)

There is no charge to have the use of a wheelchair, however bookings are advisable. Most require ID’s.


Shopping, Wheelchairs

