The Visiting Service is for people over 65, who live in their own home, who no longer drive, who would like more company and who are able to contribute to a mutually beneficial relationship.
Watch this video of Patty and Pieter to see how the Visiting Service in action!
We will find the right visitor for you.
The Visiting Service has caring volunteers who share your interests and would love to get to know you.
Contact: Rebecca Hopgood on 331 7816, or Keeley Le Warne on 331 7815
Email: , or
Do you know an older person who would like more company?
Family or friends can refer an older person, or couple. Just be sure to ask their permission first.
Health professionals please use the attached Visiting Service Referral Form
As our visitors are volunteers, please read our Guidelines for Referring Agencies.
See our brochures below for more information:
Would you like more Company?
You could make a real difference in the life of an older person
Do you have time for older people?