Canterbury Model Boat Club
Model boating, scale electric, steam, sail. A casual bunch of enthusiasts. Meet 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month at 1 – 3 PM at Lake Victoria, weather permitting.
Model boating, scale electric, steam, sail. A casual bunch of enthusiasts. Meet 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month at 1 – 3 PM at Lake Victoria, weather permitting.
Exercise at Pioneer: Ring for times Casual classes Cross fit Stretch and Release Gentle Exercise – seated Yoga Classes by Term: Approx $80.00 per term. Classes by term Pilates – (Pi-lah-tee s): Introductory Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Tai Chi: Beginners Intermediate. As times and levels change frequently, phone Pioneer Leisure Centre for up-to-date … Continued
Exercise for fun fitness and health. Strengthen and tone your core muscle, improve flexibility, balance and coordination. Improve digestion. Break up fat deposits, trim your waistline and engage in an aerobic workout that is fun. Monday 7.15 pm Cashmere Wednesday 7.15pm Rolleston Thursday 6.30pm North New Brighton All classes are an hour. Ring the number … Continued
Womens group Wednesday morning 9.45am-12.00 midday during term time. Every second week involves an outing and between is a quest speaker, craft or other social or recreational activity. Make a booking through Bev on the above number. Cost $5.00. For further information regarding their activities, ring the above telephone number. Other services provided: Education / … Continued
Movie afternoons for older people at the Woodend Methodist Church. First Wednesday of every month. Free entry! Gold coin donation for afternoon tea. The movie will start at 1pm and afternoon tea will be served at approximately 3pm. Please contact them if you need transport help – they’re happy to organise a ride for you.
Part of the Green Prescription exercise groups: Monday 9.30 to 10.15 am – Circuit class at Bromley Community Centre 1.00 to 2.00 pm – Sit and Be Fit at St Faiths on Hawke St, New Brighton Wednesday 9.30 am to 10.15 circuit held in the Bromley Community Centre 9.30 am to 10.30 Gentle Exercise at … Continued
Website: or Look on website for updated times etc. Offer a wide range of fitness programmes either in our Fitness Centre or part of our Group Exercise programme – Aquafit (exercises to music in the water), Easi Fit (a combination of easy low impact moves for the beginner), Gentle Exercise (suitable for the … Continued
Gym Training For Seniors Monday and Wednesdays 7.30pm to 8.30pm Cost $7.00 casual and $60 for 10 class concession. Part of the PEPSA exercise success formula, these classes are based in the weights gym. Set to a circuit style, the limited numbers allows constant supervision to occur. Contact Russell about CPIT Gym Training.
The Ascot Community Centre offers a range of activities for Older Adults. The Centre is warm and accessible with plenty of off street parking. Programmes on offer include: ASCOT LEISURE CLUB a weekly club for older adults featuring a wide range of activities from guest speakers, indoor games and outings. A great opportunity to meet … Continued
Sumner Bays Union Trust is a registered charitable trust operating in the suburbs of Sumner and Redcliffs, Christchurch, New Zealand. Its purpose is to build Sumner and Redcliffs as strong communities, providing services to meet the needs of the local communities as they are identified. Activities of interest include: Redcliffs Coffee & Conversation Thusdays, 10:30am … Continued