Mental Health Education and Resource Centre

MHERC offers a free mental health library for the people of the South Island. Books, CDs, DVDs and videos on a wide range of mental health topics are available for loan. A free return postal service is available to anyone who lives in the South Island. The library service can be accessed in person at … Continued

Elder Care Canterbury ( Eldercare Canterbury )

Elder Care Canterbury is a collective of people representing organisations, service providers and consumers who have an interest in improving health services for older people of Canterbury. It has open membership and is coordinated by an employed Coordinator. Elder Care Canterbury is community based and community driven. It is “older person focussed” and enables active … Continued

Kidney Health New Zealand

Kidney Health NZ raises money for research & provides information. Organ/tissue transplants have become a standard part of medical practice for New Zealanders Provide education and resources for people with kidney disease.

High Street City Health

Hours are Monday to Friday 8am to 6:00pm. Complete care from infants to elderly. Has women’s health, men’s health, sexual health, children’s health, sports medicine, travel medicine (USA, Australian,Canadian and VISA Medicals), musculo-skeletal medicine and comprehensive health checks.. Have nurses clinic for blood pressure checks, blood tests, pregnancy tests, immunizations, ear syringing and wart removal. … Continued

Selwyn Community Development Officer

Community Activities undertaken by Selwyn District Council include: Providing support and advice to local community organisations (e.g. about funding, legal issues, etc). Providing or promoting events and social/recreational programmes for the community (eg holiday programmes, day clubs for older adults). Information on health and social services available in the District. General community information on living … Continued

Selwyn Central Community Care

A voluntary organisation that supports residents with health issues by providing support for the unwell person and their caregivers. Volunteers are available to give caregivers some time out or to drive people to medical appointments etc. Covers Rolleston, Dunsandel, Weedons, West Melton and surrounding areas.

Sport Canterbury Green Prescription Club

A Green Prescription is a health professional’s written advice to a patient to be physically active, as part of the patient’s health management. The health professional (GP or practice nurse) issues a Green Prescription provided the person is: -16 years or over -Inactive -Medically stable and able to engage in low to moderate activity The … Continued

Medication Management Service

MMS is a free pharmacy service to help people understand more about their medicines and how to take them. A pharmacist will come to your home or you can make the appointment at your local pharmacy. You may be suitable for MMS if: -You take three or more medicines -You have changed medicines recently -You … Continued

Alternatives to Meals on Wheels

Age Concern Canterbury hold a list of meal providers for those who do not qualify for Meals on Wheels or who prefer an independent provider. These meals are delivered either fresh or frozen for you to use at your convenience. Contact Age Concern Canterbury on 366 0903 to have the list sent out or go … Continued

Caring Caller St John

For some people living alone means that they miss out on daily human contact, someone to chat to, laugh with and share their lives with. St John Caring Caller is a free service that provides you with a regular friendship call. It is NOT a help line or a visiting service. It is a friendship … Continued
