Official Information

The Official Information Act 1982 allows people to request access to information held by: Ministers of the Crown, Government Departments and organisations, State-owned Enterprises, Crown Health Enterprises, Educational Institutions, including Boards of Trustees. This website provides free public access to up-to-date unofficial versions of New Zealand Acts (Acts of Parliament), Bills (proposed Acts), and Regulations … Continued

CAB Buller – West Coast

Provides free and confidential advice to everyone. Information and support to meet your needs. Hours of operation: 10am – 1pm Monday – Friday.


Help you find the right answers for health care help now – all the relevant information is just a phone call away. Help4U is a 24-hour health information, coordination and navigation service. They make it easy for you to find all the answers, make decisions and coordinate your health care appropriately. So, with a single … Continued

Advance care planning

Advance care planning (ACP) is the process of thinking about, talking about and planning for future health care and end-of-life care. It is about identifying what matters to you. For more information speak to your practice team, search ‘Advance Care Planning” on, look at the booklet on the web link adjacent or contact the … Continued

Citizens Advice Bureau – North Canterbury CAB

(Check the National website  to find the nearest bureau details) Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday, 9am to 4.30pm. Offer free impartial & confidential guidance and support of information and referral by trained volunteers.

Seniorline and Super Seniors website

Senior line 0800 725 463 Helping older people navigate the health system. Information for older people to help make decisions about staying at home, retirement villages, home care, day care and rest homes. The website is designed to give information on superannuation entitlements, finances, health services and SuperGold discounts.

Citizens Advice Bureau Christchurch – West CAB

Hours of Operation: 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday. (Please refer to our website for current hours) Offer free confidential service, information and referral by trained volunteers. Free legal clinic Thursday from 6.15pm. Call to confirm on the day. Justice of the Peace Clinic: Monday and Thursday 9.30am – 12.30pm. Call to confirm on the day. … Continued
