Alternatives to Meals on Wheels

Age Concern Canterbury hold a list of meal providers for those who do not qualify for Meals on Wheels or who prefer an independent provider. These meals are delivered either fresh or frozen for you to use at your convenience. Contact Age Concern Canterbury on 366 0903 to have the list sent out or go … Continued

Nurse Maude Dietitian Service

The service is for people using other Nurse Maude Association services and who require advice on nutrition. Provides assessment of dietary needs for a wide range of medical conditions. Support to caregivers providing nutrition to loved ones. Dietary education to promote individual well being. Monitoring and adjustment of feeding regimes for people with terminal illness. … Continued

Tomorrows Meals ( Frozen Fresh )

Frozen Fresh make a range of premium frozen and chilled convenience meals. Perfect for older family members who may be living alone. Tomorrow’s Meals are available at selected Bin Inn, Countdown, Foursquare, New World & Pak N Save stores nationwide.

Community & Public Health (Crown Public Health)

Community & Public Health (a division of the Canterbury District Health Board) delivers free public health services in Canterbury (from Kaikoura to the Waitaki River) & the West Coast. Public health services are population based health promotion & health protection activities that are concerned with whole populations or groups such as children or elderly people … Continued

Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels are available by referral from your General Practice team or other Health Professional. The service is designed to provide a freshly cooked hot dinner meal at midday for those that find it difficult to prepare or access a hot meal. Meals consist of a hot main dish served with seasonal vegetables and a dessert. … Continued
