Cunliffe House Rest Home

Special Features Situated in a tranquil garden setting at 7 Cunliffe Road in Redwood/Belfast, residents enjoy a picturesque garden featuring a bird aviary, fish pond and sunny courtyards and veranda. Cunliffe House is well situated to service the direct area as well as North Canterbury. 23 beds approx. All clients should be advised to request … Continued

Summerset at Wigram Care when you need it, where you need it. Villages that integrate into the local environment, that create familiarity – providing residents with warm, welcome and vibrant communities. Even though many people move to a retirement village to live independently, there may be a time in the future when things change and extra care … Continued

Lyn Paintin of Val Evans Frock Salon

Qualified tayloress now doing alterations at home. Visits Rest Homes as required. If messages are left on her answerphone Lyn will return the calls promptly.

Clearing Companions

Home clearance for those going into rest home care or for families needing help with deceased estates. Check website or ring Mary for more details.

Fitzgerald House

Fax for both Houses 982 2164 Holdsworth House is part of a larger complex offering a full range of care – the ideal choice for partners with differing care needs or for those looking towards ongoing care in the future, dementia and other age related disorders. For more information ‘phone Anglican Aged Care, 363 0900 … Continued

The Eldernet Group

The Eldernet group provides a directory of all residential care facilities in New Zealand including rest home, hospital, dementia (D3) and psychogeriatric (D6) levels of care. A vacancy status report operates giving real time bed vacancy information for all aged residential care services. All retirement villages can be found on  Support for those who … Continued

Where to From Here

‘WHERE TO FROM HERE’ (formerly Question of Care)- a guide to residential care/help at home & retirement options booklet with information on all homes/ hospitals in the Canterbury, Nelson, Marlborough, West Coast and Buller, South Canterbury regions ie District Health Boards. Booklet is free from Age Concern Canterbury, telephone 3660903 to receive your copy. Check … Continued

Asset Converters Ltd – Bill Harris

Get rid of clutter. Ideal if moving or having to deal with adeceased estate. Appraisal of goods, household chattels( sell on behalf or by arrangement ) to auction. Transport of goods arranged. Rubbish to dump. Clearing and cleaning of garage and house.. No job too big or small.Licenced Trader. Work for Solicitors and Trust companies. … Continued

Find a rest home

I think my parent needs care, what should I do? This website will tell you everything you need to know about the aged care process, from how to get an assessment right through to entering into a rest home or hospital. The nine steps of the Aged Care Process will explain what you need to … Continued

St Allisa Court Rest Home

Full rest home, dementia and hospital care available. Also provides short-term care, respite care support and day care. All clients should be advised to request a referral from their G.P. for a full assessment before entering rest home care.
