Gentle Exercise at Pioneer

Exercise at Pioneer: Ring for times Casual classes Cross fit Stretch and Release Gentle Exercise – seated Yoga Classes by Term: Approx $80.00 per term. Classes by term Pilates – (Pi-lah-tee s): Introductory Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Tai Chi: Beginners Intermediate. As times and levels change frequently, phone Pioneer Leisure Centre for up-to-date … Continued

Katang Fitness ( Exercise )

Part of the Green Prescription exercise groups: Monday 9.30 to 10.15 am – Circuit class at Bromley Community Centre 1.00 to 2.00 pm – Sit and Be Fit at St Faiths on Hawke St, New Brighton Wednesday 9.30 am to 10.15 circuit held in the Bromley Community Centre 9.30 am to 10.30 Gentle Exercise at … Continued

Pioneer Leisure Centre

Website: or Look on website for updated times etc. Offer a wide range of fitness programmes either in our Fitness Centre or part of our Group Exercise programme – Aquafit (exercises to music in the water), Easi Fit (a combination of easy low impact moves for the beginner), Gentle Exercise (suitable for the … Continued

Ascot Community Leisure Club ( Community Centre )

The Ascot Community Centre offers a range of activities for Older Adults. The Centre is warm and accessible with plenty of off street parking. Programmes on offer include: ASCOT LEISURE CLUB a weekly club for older adults featuring a wide range of activities from guest speakers, indoor games and outings. A great opportunity to meet … Continued

Sing Ong Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a martial art from China. It is well known for its balanced, fluid movements and its health benefits. It has produced many skilled and famous martial arts. Many schools focus only on the health benefits, however we believe that to obtain the greatest benefit, it is necessary to train in the traditional … Continued

International Buddhist Assn South Island NZ

Buddhist Dharma functions on Fridays at 7 pm Young Adult Division activities, Art Gallery, Cultural events & classes, Tai Chi, Buddhism studies, Fo Guan Tea House (vegetarian cafe), souvenir shop, participate in society charity work, etc. For further information, ring the above telephone number.

Wainoni Avonside Community Services (WACS)

WACST@Burwood, 58130 Burwood Road, is a venue where people of all ages can meet for fun & enjoy the company of others. ACTIVITIES PROGRAMMES: MONDAY     Tai Chi                               10am – 11am         $3 Zumba Gold          … Continued

St Marks Presbyterian Church

WESTBURN WOMENS INSTITUTE – 2nd Monday of month 1.30-3.30pm Contact Jan Cleland 357 8121 CRAFT FOR ALL – Thursdays 10.00am; share skills, learn new ones. $3 joining fee, 50c per session for tea. Contact Jess Glading 358 5172 INDOOR BOWLS – (March to September) Mondays 1.15pm, Wednesdays 7.20pm. Soft shoes needed. $10 per year plus … Continued

Sport Canterbury

Support service for people looking to increase activity and find out about community activities. Free 1 on 1 support or join in with others on an 8 week activity course in various locations around Christchurch. Resources for various activities available. Be Active with Sport Canterbury. Dave Jeffrey PHYSICAL ACTIVITY TEAM LEADER Follow on facebook @ … Continued

Lyttelton Recreation Centre

The Lyttelton Recreation Centre reopened in early 2016. and is managed by the Christchurch City Couincil  Community Facilities Advisor.    . Please see the website for the activities or community bookings.
