City Mission Christchurch

The Christchurch City Mission is a Christian Social Service Agency (a branch of Anglican Social Services).The Mission offers support and general help to the disadvantaged, including the elderly. They operate Night Shelter for men and women, and offer Alcohol and Drug Counselling Service. Have Thorpe house to assist people over 17 years old to detox … Continued

CommunityNet Aotearoa

CommunityNet Aotearoa is an online hub where you can find and share resources designed to strengthen community organisations. It focuses on providing the right tools to build and develop community organisations. CommunityNet accepts contributions from New Zealand individuals and organisations that create resources for community organisations learning and development. Resources include the Community Resource Kit, … Continued

Be there events on-line

Be There is the festival and events calendar for Christchurch and Canterbury. The website provides all the information you need on current and upcoming events: Sports, music, art, cultural, entertainment recreational. Be There also gives details on newsletters, subscribing and how to list your event.

The Eldernet Group

The Eldernet group provides a directory of all residential care facilities in New Zealand including rest home, hospital, dementia (D3) and psychogeriatric (D6) levels of care. A vacancy status report operates giving real time bed vacancy information for all aged residential care services. All retirement villages can be found on  Support for those who … Continued

Hands Craft Shop

Sells a wide variety of craft supplies and handcraft materials: Knitting, needlecraft, art supplies, fibrecraft etc traditional and contemporary material supplies. Offers a wide variety of classes, Embroidery, Spinning, , etc. Classes and timetable are listed on the website.

Older People Statistics New Zealand

To find information on older people, click on the above website, click on “Browse for Stats”, click on the heading “People and communities”, and then click on Older people.

Marketing Association / mailing and telephone lists

A business association with the purpose to encourage & develop the highest standards of measurable marketing in New Zealand. Membership is voluntary but they can confirm if a particular business is registered with them & may help with enquiries in this case. All their members are bound by a code of ethics that encourages best … Continued

National Poisons Centre

National poison hotline 0800 POISON ( 0800 764 766 ) – This is a 24 hour, 7 days a week number. The National Poisons Centre (NPC), established in 1964, is part of the Dunedin School of Medicine at the University of Otago. It provides a 24-hour, 365-days-a-year free phone service to both health professionals and … Continued

Members Of Parliament – MP

SEE Telephone Directory under: MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT – 0ffices of Electorate Members of Parliament. To visit the Party websites for further information use the following web address format: www.(partyname) – e.g. OR

Seniorline and Super Seniors website

Senior line 0800 725 463 Helping older people navigate the health system. Information for older people to help make decisions about staying at home, retirement villages, home care, day care and rest homes. The website is designed to give information on superannuation entitlements, finances, health services and SuperGold discounts.
