Cat Protection

Has a list of vets who will do spraying, flea and worm treatment etc at a reduced cost with a community service card. Call Cat Protection first. Their cattery is at 14 Charlesworth Street, Linwood. Ph 384 0006. Can assist with vet costs and ‘lost and found’.

Golden Programme

Golden Programme is a community service organised by the ‘Neighbourhood Trust’, the community arm of the St Albans Baptist Church. Coach trips are arranged to suit all ages and levels of mobility. For information about coming events ring Kim 355 6522 extension 112 for further details. Provides a two course meal (on a five week cycle), … Continued

Motor Neurone Disease Canterbury Branch

Motor neurone disease is the name of a group of conditions in which nerve cells controlling muscles of movements are destroyed. The MND New Zealand support team provides free, personalised support and advocacy for every person, with Motor Neurone disease in New Zealand. They work together with people living with MND and their carers, families … Continued

Walking Sticks – Advice on Proper Fit

To obtain the maximum support from a walking stick it must be a proper fit & used correctly. Before you purchase a walking stick consider the following:- Select from the various styles of canes by considering the stability each offers. Choose a cane that is light. To select the proper length for a cane, stand … Continued

Jury Service

A jury is a group of 12 people who have been chosen at random to sit in a Court trial, to hear the evidence and reach a verdict (decision). The jury’s job is to decide what facts have been proved, apply the law to the facts with guidance on the law from the Judge, and … Continued

Bikram Yoga Studio-

It is a unique set of 26 yoga postures scientifically developed in 1978 to prevent and reduce the symptoms of many common illnesses. The classes are held  at the above address.. For more information (class times and costs per session) contact Kate Burford, or check out the website. Information about Bikram Yoga is also available … Continued

(Booklet) When Someone Dies Suddenly

In New Zealand the law states that before a body is buried or cremated, either a doctor must give a certificate as to the cause of death, or a coroner must make an Order. This is necessary to make sure everyone who dies is identified and the cause of death is established. This helps to … Continued

St Vincent de Paul Society

The St Vincent de Paul family shops/sell secondhand clothing and furniture and use the money raised to put back into the community. St Vincent de Paul suburban shops hours are 9am-4pm Mondays to Fridays, and we are open Saturdays 10am – 3.00pm. Their shops are:- 265 Stanmore Rd, Richmond Ph: (03) 3897484 ext 2 19 … Continued

Service Centres ( Christchurch City Council ) All Service Centre calls are answered by the Christchurch City Council Civic Offices customer service team. See number above. The Service Centres have information regarding up to date topics within their community, including information about rates rebates scheme; building, planning and enforcement, etc.

Restoring Family Links Red Cross Society

One of the oldest services in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement, this service helps families in New Zealand locate news of missing loved ones. This service helps families in New Zealand locate news of missing loved ones overseas where the separation was caused by war, armed conflict, disaster or migration.We cannot assist in searches … Continued
