Post Polio Support Group Christchurch

Post Polio Syndrome is a ‘second’ disease affecting a large number of Polio Survivors. The support group meets 4th Wednesday of the month, 10am, at the Cashmere Club. They have a variety of speakers and entertainers. . On Sunday mornings use the Hydrotherapy Pool at Burwood. Arrange social outings. Have access to a wheelchair bus. … Continued

Disputes Tribunal

  Disputes Tribunals are: informal inexpensive quick private Disputes Tribunals are not like formal courts. There are no lawyers or judges. Disputes are heard by a referee who has been carefully selected and trained. A referee is someone who will either help you to come to your own solution or will determine your dispute. Any … Continued

Plains FM 96.9

Community Access Radio – Community Notices taken (no charge). Training available for groups, organisations and individuals to produce and broadcast their own programme. (Language of their own choice). A small charge does apply.

Facet Friendship Club

A non-profit friendship / social club for single men, women and couples, suitable for people over the age of 50.. Activities include dining out, dancing, cards, theatre going etc.

Wheelchairs for Shoppers

A number of shopping centres in Christchurch have wheelchairs available for shoppers. There is no charge to have the use of a wheelchair, however bookings are advised. Most require ID. The malls include: FreshChoice, (Avonhead Shopping Centre) 358 7775 Ballantynes 379 7400 – ring first as sometimes it needs to be booked. Barrington Mall 332 … Continued

Te Puawaitanga (Maori Health)

Concerned with the health of Maori women and actively promotes healthy lifestyles. Programmes include: Well child – Tamarikiora Outreach immunisation Parents as first teachers programme Incredible years programme Breast feeding advocacy service Early childhood transition programme Disease state management – outreach nurses Wakaura workshops Kaitoko whanau – social and housing issues

Justices of the Peace Canterbury Association Inc

The Association provides training and sets standards for Justices of the Peace of whom there are over approx. 705 in Canterbury. See Justices of the Peace list (categorised under suburb names) in Yellow Pages. Their ministerial duties are extensive. They witness, take oaths and declarations, certify true copies, take information and complaints and can even … Continued

Handiscope Centres

Handiscope groups provide craft activities for people with intellectual and physical disabilities in various locations around the city. The Centres are located in: Hoon Hay, – Dot , Ph 942 8043 Hornby – Gaye, Ph 349 5411 Papanui – Pat, Ph 351 8814 Woolston – Val, Ph 331 7328 Ashburton – Janet, Ph 03 308 … Continued
