Captioned telephone – CapTel

Phone CapTel is a captioned telephone that connects to the internet and displays captions of your conversation while you are speaking. Just like an ordinary phone you listen to what the other person says and respond, but with one major difference – what they say is also displayed on a screen for you to read. … Continued

Residential Care Subsidy

The Residential Care Subsidy provides financial assistance for those who are assessed as needing long term residential care. A helpful publication is ‘Long-term Residential Care for Older People-What you need to know’. Call Age Concern Canterbury for a copy. Ph 366 0903. The organisation responsible for paying the Residential Care Subsidy is the Ministry of … Continued

New Zealand Aged Care Association ( NZACA )

New Zealand Aged Care Association (NZACA), is a not-for-profit, national membership organisation which represents all parts of the aged-care residential sector. Members provide long and short term residential services to the over 65 cohort. Membership services: Training and Professional Development: NZACA operates a number of topical seminar and professional development courses through out the country … Continued

Health Cert- Quality and Safety ( Rest Home Audits )

Certification of Healthcare Services     General information This webpage provides information for providers of hospital and rest home services and residential care for people with disabilities and to the public about the certification of these services. Changes have been made to the legislation for the licensing of hospitals and rest homes and the registration … Continued

CommunityNet Aotearoa

CommunityNet Aotearoa is an online hub where you can find and share resources designed to strengthen community organisations. It focuses on providing the right tools to build and develop community organisations. CommunityNet accepts contributions from New Zealand individuals and organisations that create resources for community organisations learning and development. Resources include the Community Resource Kit, … Continued

Health Promotion Agency

HPA is a Crown entity established on 1 July 2012 under legislation to lead and support national health promotion initiatives. It has a board appointed by the Minister of Health, and staff in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. In addition to national health promotion initiatives, HPA performs all functions previously undertaken by the Alcohol Advisory Council (ALAC) … Continued

Nationwide Health & Disability Service

Advocacy Services South Island 0800 555 050 e-mail By Law everyone receiving a health or disability service has the protection of the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights. An independent Commissioner, Ron Paterson, promotes and protects these rights. Independent Advocates will help people make sure that their rights are respected. To contact … Continued

Te Ara Ahunga Ora Retirement Commission

Te Ara Ahunga Ora Retirement Commission aims to help improve the financial futures of New Zealanders for a better retirement for all. We are focused on helping people with not only information and skills, but the confidence they need to develop their long-term wellbeing.   We focus on three areas: Retirement Income, Retirement Villages and … Continued

NZORD ( Rare Diseases )

NZORD, the New Zealand Organisation for Rare Disorders, provides New Zealand’s central starting point for information about rare diseases.

EAP Services Employee Assistance Programme

An Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is part of an organisation’s Health and Safety strategy. The EAP Programme helps staff deal with personal and work issues which can affect work performance. These issues may include: Marital or Family Difficuties; Alcohol or Drugs; Violence; Parenting Problems; Workplace Conflicts; Grief; Anxiety. All communications and discussions are treated as … Continued
