Kai 2 You

Kai2You delivers chef made fresh ready meals to your door twice a week, or you can pick them up from the shop at 86 Harris Crescent Papanui. The best way to order is through the website, but you can also phone or email using the contact details on this page. SuperGold Card holders can go … Continued

Elder Care Groups Friendship, Help and Support for people aged over 65.

Elder Care Groups Friendship, Help and Support for people aged over 65. The weekly programmes include:   gentle exercise and activities fun, friendship and personal support morning or afternoon tea practical advice and information on healthy living all for just a $3 donation transport can also be provided.   Guests say: “I enjoy the great … Continued

DriveMed NZ

Medical Driver Assessment Service This is an ‘off-road assessment’ (screening your physical, cognitive and visual ability relevant for driving) and an ‘on-road assessment’ in all traffic complexities with the therapist assessor and a driving instructor, to establish your medical fitness to drive status.  This self-funded assessment may be timely when your family, friends or your … Continued

Red Hatters Christchurch

A social club for mature ladies (over 50) who gather regularly, attending events – like movies, shows, theatre craft activities and visits to interesting places.  We also have a luncheon and a morning/afternoon tea each month.  Led by our “Queen,” we share friendship and fun in the spirit of the International Red Hat Society. Contact … Continued

Good Friends – Arvida Living Well

Good Friends is a new personal care, and home help service available in Christchurch for those who need help to live independently. Using a combination of digital technology and human intuition, Good Friends brings together skilled helpers to offer a personalised support and care plan created just for you. Good Friends works closely with members … Continued

Mature Moves

Mature Moves assist clients who are moving into a retirement village or residential care.They help with everything that must be done to achieve a downsizing move. Mature Moves is a local team of people who can help  from the very beginning. They  work with you to plan and complete the moving process. Everything is taken … Continued

Grace Vineyard Church – Beach Vista social group

The Beach Vista social group is really for anyone over 30! They offer senior support, but also enjoy having a mixed age range at social gatherings. They meet fortnightly on a Thursday at 1.30pm at Beach Campus. They alternate their events between talking and games, to an outing of some sort. These can change depending … Continued

Pier Law

Director, Caroline Davey is a lawyer who can assist with issues for Seniors. Caroline listens to her clients and formulates solutions best suited to her clients’ needs. Contact Caroline at any of Pier Law’s three convenient locations – Kaiapoi, Northwood or New Brighton

Transition Navigators

Transition Navigators is an independent service that works to find the best accommodation options to fit the needs of older people.They help work out the appropriate accommodation choice or support required, either in your home or in the wider community. Downsizing or moving to care can be a very daunting process. They aim to make … Continued

GenConnect at Christchurch City Libraries

CONNECTING GENERATIONS BY SHARING KNOWLEDGE Come and get help with your technology issues: Upper Riccarton Library where Riccarton High School students will be available every Thursday during term time from 1 to 1.45pm The high school students that deliver the programme,  freely volunteer their time and can answer questions including: How to set up and use a … Continued
