Therapy Professionals Limited

This organisation has a motivated team of expert therapists, carefully selected to provide a fully integrated service to people with disabilities and their carers. A range of therapists: Physio, Speech Language, Music, Occupational Therapists, Dieticians and Therapy assistants. Therapy Professionals works with: -the elderly -children with special needs -people with head injuries -those with physical … Continued

Are Your Affairs in Order

Information Are Your Affairs in Order is a booklet that has been produced by the Vocational Committee of the Rangiora Rotary Club, PO Box 230, Rangiora. The publication is simple, but comprehensive and contains a list of important details such as next of kin, solicitor, funeral records, insurance details, bank accounts, personal property and bequests, … Continued

Are your affairs in order – booklet

Are Your Affairs in Order is a booklet that has been produced by the Vocational Committee of the Rangiora Rotary Club, PO Box 230, Rangiora. The publication is simple, but comprehensive and contains a list of important details such as next of kin, solicitor, funeral records, insurance details, bank accounts, personal property and bequests, funeral … Continued

Alternatives to Meals on Wheels

Age Concern Canterbury hold a list of meal providers for those who do not qualify for Meals on Wheels or who prefer an independent provider. These meals are delivered either fresh or frozen for you to use at your convenience. Contact Age Concern Canterbury on 366 0903 to have the list sent out or go … Continued

Tōtara Club (Rangiora )

The Tōtara Club is a Day Club, run by Presbyterian Support, where older people can meet, make friends, try out some fun activities and have a midday meal. Transport can be arranged and experienced, caring staff are on hand. Open five days a week (Monday to Friday) 9.30am-3.30pm except for statutory holidays. There are individualised … Continued

Phillipstown Leisure Club

The Leisure Club for Older Adults meets at Phillipstown Community Centre, 39A Nursery Road, next to the school, Tuesdays, 12.30 – 3pm. Come along and enjoy a social outing with afternoon tea and plenty of chatter. The programme features games, guest speakers, gentle exercise, outings and some crafts. Some outings may require extra costs and … Continued

Who is ? Who is ? Who is ? And ? Who is ?,, and, with their holding site are the North Canterbury. com Ltd’s official Waimakariri and North Canterbury sites. Although commercial sites they have been set up as a FREE local area social … Continued

Lincoln Bridge Club

Play at the Lincoln Event Centre on Monday afternoons 1.30 – 4.30 pm – all levels from beginners to experienced; not required to have a partner. Thursday evening 7.15-10.30 pm. This is partnered play but partners can be arranged. Free beginners lesson are given. Enquires 325 3222.

Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service

The Health and Disability Commissioner is an independent agency set up to: promote and protect the rights of consumers who use health and disability services; help resolve problems between consumers and providers of health and disability services; and improve the quality of health care and disability services. The Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ … Continued

Seaside Seniors ( New Brighton Union Parish )

Focus on seniors. Meet 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month between 2.00pm-4.00pm. Alternate speaker and entertainer followed by time for afternoon tea and a chat. Other activities: Morning worship Sunday at 10.00am Gold Coin BBQ sausage sizzle, Thursday 11.30am (weather permitting) Purple Door opportunity shop: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 3rd Saturday 10am-2.00pm
