Eat Unlimited

Meals delivered fresh and keep fresh for 10 days, or freeze if you wish. Wide variety on the menu. You can be certain it doesn’t come loaded with additives or preservatives to give it a longer shelf life. Everything is made by hand, using fresh ingredients, fresh vegetables, fresh herbs and real, New Zealand meat… … Continued

Papanui Baptist Community Services – Freedom Trust

Friendship Friday Community Lunch – Entertainment and fun, socialising, practical information and faith building. Held 3rd Friday of the month in the lounge and cafe at the Papanui Baptist Church – 12.00 mid-day. Telephone the above number for more information. Sewing and patchwork – Tuition available for beginners. Sewing machines and some material available.  Wednesday … Continued

Ellesmere Community Care Organisation (ECCO)

Ellesmere Community Care Organisation (ECCO) is based in Leeston and covers the area between the Selwyn and Rakaia Rivers; west to Dunsandel and east to the Rakaia Huts. ECCO is a volunteer and not for profit charitable organisation. Our main activity is transporting people in Ellesmere to appointments when they have no other means of … Continued

Selwyn Central Community Care

A voluntary organisation that supports residents with health issues by providing support for the unwell person and their caregivers. Volunteers are available to give caregivers some time out or to drive people to medical appointments etc. Covers Rolleston, Dunsandel, Weedons, West Melton and surrounding areas.

Sport Canterbury Green Prescription Club

A Green Prescription is a health professional’s written advice to a patient to be physically active, as part of the patient’s health management. The health professional (GP or practice nurse) issues a Green Prescription provided the person is: -16 years or over -Inactive -Medically stable and able to engage in low to moderate activity The … Continued

Medication Management Service

MMS is a free pharmacy service to help people understand more about their medicines and how to take them. A pharmacist will come to your home or you can make the appointment at your local pharmacy. You may be suitable for MMS if: -You take three or more medicines -You have changed medicines recently -You … Continued

Community Services Card

A Community Services card can help you with the cost of healthcare. You will pay less for some health services simply by showing your card. CSC reduces the cost of: -Prescriptions -After Hours doctor visits -Visits to a doctor who is not your regular doctor -Emergency dental care by an approved dental provider(ring Age concern … Continued

Lincoln & Districts’ Community Care Assoc Inc

Provide support and information to Lincoln Community and Districts. Open from 9am to 3pm weekdays. Services and Activities: 60 Plus exercise group (twice a week) Meals on Wheels Service Resource Library, Budgeting and Counselling Service International Women’s Group Advice on accessing health services Info about Social & Welfare services Hire: wheelchairs, crutches etc – … Continued

Beckenham Dental Laboratory Ltd

/ New full and partial dentures, relining of existing dentures. One hour denture repair service. Work and Income quotes welcome. The appearance of your teeth is important from both a physical and emotional standpoint. At Beckenham Dental Laboratory they understand this and aim to provide the most efficient, lasting and affordable denture services in Christchurch. … Continued

Therapy Professionals Limited

This organisation has a motivated team of expert therapists, carefully selected to provide a fully integrated service to people with disabilities and their carers. A range of therapists: Physio, Speech Language, Music, Occupational Therapists, Dieticians and Therapy assistants. Therapy Professionals works with: -the elderly -children with special needs -people with head injuries -those with physical … Continued
