Victims’ Rights

Information is available through Victim Support on the above numbers or nationally on: GET HELP: 0800 VICTIM ( 0800 842 846  There is a  full & comprehensive information on the website explaining an individual’s rights as a victim. The Victims’ Rights Act 2002 (the Act) replaces the Victims of Offences Act 1987. It came into … Continued

International Older Persons Day

International Older Persons Day is a day to celebrate the place of older people in our society. “Visibility drives out ageism. Today’s older people are ageing better than ever before. Events showing healthy and vibrant older people enjoying themselves are the best way to drive out the old images of ‘the elderly’ as passive victims. … Continued

Residential Care Options-Publications

‘Where From Here’ replaces ‘A Question of Care’ and provides information about Rest Homes, Retirement Villages, Serviced Apartments and Private Hospital care. It can be obtained by calling the number above or calling Age Concern Canterbury on 3660903. A good website to visit on the subject is Health & Disability Consumer Advocacy Services South … Continued

Libby Drayton

Available for older clients through the Harakeke Centre. Free counselling for those suffering earthquake stress. Qualified and experienced in a diverse range of client needs including loss, grief and separation and caring for elderly. Qualifications: M.N.Z.A.C.,B.A., Adv.Dip.Tching, Adviser in Special Education, Reg Teacher- Primary,Secondary,Tertiary,Teacher of Deaf, Remedial Reading Specialist,ESOL.

Pukeko Blue Limited

Pukuko blue is an organisation that provide care by working together with clients,  families and key services to support each individual who chooses to live there to attain an optimum state of wellness, autonomy, stimulation, comfort and happiness. This is achieved by: Offering a creative, positive and homely environment which enhances the Client’s Quality of … Continued

Volunteering Canterbury

An information and referral service for individuals interested in volunteering and for non-profit agencies involving volunteers. Support, information and training for non-profit agencies. Advocacy and consultancy on all issues to do with volunteering. To arrange an interview ring the above number or visit the website for more opportunities. Open Monday – Friday 9.00 am – … Continued

Death notices and obituaries

A good way to check on the passing of individuals you know when you don’t access a newspaper. Look on the website listed.

Painting Classes

Art, cooking, language and photography classes may be available.  Please refer to the website for further information.

Kaiapoi Public Library

To find out about the services that the library offers, ring the above telephone number. Offer delivery of library books to the house bound.
