Kaiapoi Public Library
To find out about the services that the library offers, ring the above telephone number. Offer delivery of library books to the house bound.
To find out about the services that the library offers, ring the above telephone number. Offer delivery of library books to the house bound.
For people with bleeding disorders and their families. Services available: Information; Educational Material; Supportive Programmes; Outreach Service; Youth Camps; Family Camps. The Outreach Worker can be contacted at 0508 FACTOR.(0508 322867)
Frozen Fresh make a range of premium frozen and chilled convenience meals. Perfect for older family members who may be living alone. Tomorrow’s Meals are available at selected Bin Inn, Countdown, Foursquare, New World & Pak N Save stores nationwide.
/ The website lists motels that provide accessible accommodation in the Christchurch area.
Meets 2nd Tuesday of each month at 1pm, (except in January) at Te Hapua Halswell Centre, 341 Halswell Road. Speakers, demonstrations, workshops, organise day trips. Cost $15 subscription per year & no door fees.
Christchurch Office 120 Hereford Street Christchurch 8011 Hours 8-30am to 5pm except for Wednesdays 9-00am to 5pm. For 100th & over birthdays; Diamond (60th) and other wedding anniversaries, Officers of Department will advise on procedure but at least three months, notice is required. PASSPORTS 0800 22 50 50. Application forms can be obtained … Continued
Car Buyers Be Wise – never buy a car without a V.I.R. The problems with some vehicles are obvious, others are harder to spot. Stolen? Flood Damaged Import? Wound Odometer? Ownership History? Unpaid Fees? Money Owing? These are just some of the problems the V.I.R. will find. If you do not have a credit card, … Continued
Visit the indoor barnyard and outdoor farmyard. 12 minutes drive from Halswell, located in Motukarara, across the road from the raceway. Provides afternoon tea with home made scones and jam. BBQ facilities and special demonstrations available on request. Comfortable seating indoor and out. Tours around the farm are walker friendly. See rare breed chickens, Flemish … Continued
An international service which seeks to locate family members who are ‘separated’. Applications forms are to be completed as fully as possible and returned with appropriate registration fee of $75for one person or a married couple in New Zealand and $100 for one person or a married couple overseas. Concessions may be approved by the … Continued
About Blind Low Vision NZ Blind Low Vision NZ provides support and rehabilitation services for people who are blind, deafblind, or have low vision. As New Zealand’s leading provider of vision rehabilitation, the organisation works with people in their homes and at local service centres, offering personalised support to help them live independently. In addition … Continued