Super Centre Shirley – Work and Income Open until 4pm. In Christchurch, Work and Income NZ provide a specialised service to Superannuitants at their five Service Centres. The NZ Super interviewers are trained specialists in the NZ Superannuation area. Call the freephone number. Note: At the Service Centre, Superannuitants are now seen by Senior Service personnel.

CCS Disability Action ( Parking Permit )

Mobility Parking Card for car allowing use of car parks for people of all ages who are unable to walk & rely on a wheelchair for mobility, or rely on mobility devices (eg crutches, walking sticks, walking frames) or who are unable to walk 200 metres unassisted because of the nature/severity of their condition. An … Continued

SeniorNet North West

Computer classes for seniors. Offer people over the age of 55 years peer computer training & support. An open forum most Tuesday evenings, 7pm

Nurse Maude Homecare

For many of Nurse Maude’s clients, being able to retain as much independence as possible, in their community, is an integral part of their quality of life. Homecare is available for anyone recovering in their own home from an accident or surgery and those who have been assessed as needing support or have a life-limiting … Continued

Alcohol Drug Helpline

The Alcohol and Drug Helpline is an 0800 ‘phone information and referral service provided by the Alcohol Drug Association of New Zealand (ADANZ). Its mission is to provide information so people can make healthy choices about alcohol and drugs. The Helpline operates 10am to 10pm daily, every day (except Christmas Day and New Years Day). … Continued

Cats protection league

The Cats Protection League is a registered charity dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating and re-homing stray and abandoned cats and kittens. If you have concerns about the number of cats or the welfare of cats, or are prepared to help in some way, phone the number above. Their Opportunity Shop is located at 475 Worcester Street  … Continued

Captioned telephone – CapTel

Phone CapTel is a captioned telephone that connects to the internet and displays captions of your conversation while you are speaking. Just like an ordinary phone you listen to what the other person says and respond, but with one major difference – what they say is also displayed on a screen for you to read. … Continued

Women’s Centre ( Womens Centre )

A quiet women-only space where women can drop in for a coffee, chat, information or just time out. One to one support from Centre Co-ordinator or one of their skilled Support Workers. A call-in line for women in crisis, to talk with a skilled worker. Advocacy (e.g. supporting clients in contact with CYF, WINZ, the … Continued

LIVE Community Centre

Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday 10.30am – 12.30pm in term time. Arts, crafts, badminton, table tennis, pool, darts, coffee and friendly people. Drop in, it’s all free at 54 Bassett St, Burwood.

CCC Walking Groups (Active Canterbury)

Eastenders Group, meet MONDAY 10.00 am. Phone Barbara Powell 332 1338, for details of current walks and meeting places.   Halswell Group meet SATURDAY 1 pm.  Leave from opposite Domain.  Phone Pauline 322 8057 for further information. Weekend Wanderers meet SUNDAY 1.30 pm.  Phone Marilyn 338 3826 or Stephanie 382 0297 for further information. Sunday … Continued
