Salvation Army Community Ministries

*Hope Centre services:. Main activities relate to: Running life skills groups Home support Advocacy. Given changed circumstances it is appropriate to first contact the Hope Centre and they will advise as to whom may be contacted for a specific need. Sallies Family Store, 355B Riccarton Rd, phone 341 8539 – good quality secondhand clothing, furniture, … Continued

Brain Injury Association (Canterbury/West Coast)

The goal of the Brain Injury Association (Canterbury) (Te Whakaruruhau) is to assist people with brain injuries, and their families, towards a quality of life which maximises potential, choice and independence. Offer support and information, also assistance with helping to find the appropriate professional help or service, assistance with advocacy and liaison with ACC and … Continued

City Mission Christchurch

The Christchurch City Mission is a Christian Social Service Agency (a branch of Anglican Social Services).The Mission offers support and general help to the disadvantaged, including the elderly. They operate Night Shelter for men and women, and offer Alcohol and Drug Counselling Service. Have Thorpe house to assist people over 17 years old to detox … Continued

Gentle Exercise – Move it or lose it

Strengthening, flexibility and balance focused chair exercise at St Marys Church Hall, Halswell, Thursday 11.00am – 12.00 mid day. $60 for 10 weeks Also in Fendalton Community Centre, 170 Clyde Road, Tuesday 10.30am – 11.30am. Wear comfortable clothing and supportive footwear.  

Rapuora Mobile Nursing Service ( Maori health )

The role of the Rapuora Nurses is to support and educate Whanau to self manage their health issues. They work with Whanau who have or are at risk of: Heart disease Respiratory disorders Diabetes They work alongside clients and Whanau to find out how to best support the management and improvement of their health and … Continued

Salvation Army – Linwood

Budgeting Service is affiliated to the NZ Federation of Family Budgeting Services. The Advisors are all trained and continue to have training and keeping your details confidential is of paramount importance. Advocacy – the staff will support you in finding the correct place to go in order to have your problem heard, or go with … Continued

Employee Assistance Programme (EAP Services)

There are 3 EAP Services Regional Offices, Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. An Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is part of your organisation’s Health and Safety strategy. The EAP helps staff deal with personal and work issues which can affect work performance. These issues may include: Marital or Family Difficulties, Alcohol or Drugs, Violence, Parenting Problems, Workplace … Continued

Essie Summers Retirement Village summers Independent iving, townhouses, serviced apartments with assisted living and rest home care. All clients should be advised to request a referral from their G.P. for a full assessment before entering rest home care This is done through Adult Community Referral Centre  ARAC at  Burwood Hospital Phone 3377765.

Memoirs and Biographies

Capture memories – Di can help you write your life story. This is to assist individuals who want their experiences recorded for posterity. It would also potentially benefit family members who want to capture their loved one’s recollections but don’t know where to start. Give Di a call on the number above to discuss.

Canterbury Charity Hospital Trust ( Charity Hospital )

The Canterbury Charity Hospital Trust is a registered charitable trust formed to provide free, elective day surgery and medical consultations for some people in our Canterbury community who would otherwise not have access to such services. Surgical services include: Colonoscopy General surgery (abdominal & lower colorectal surgery ) Gynaecology & women’s health Ophthalmology (eyes) Orthopaedics … Continued
