NZORD ( Rare Diseases )
NZORD, the New Zealand Organisation for Rare Disorders, provides New Zealand’s central starting point for information about rare diseases.
NZORD, the New Zealand Organisation for Rare Disorders, provides New Zealand’s central starting point for information about rare diseases.
Exercise at Pioneer: Ring for times Casual classes Cross fit Stretch and Release Gentle Exercise – seated Yoga Classes by Term: Approx $80.00 per term. Classes by term Pilates – (Pi-lah-tee s): Introductory Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Tai Chi: Beginners Intermediate. As times and levels change frequently, phone Pioneer Leisure Centre for up-to-date … Continued
Comcare is a New Zealand registered Charitable Trust whose purpose is to assist people who experience mental illness and addictions live well in the Canterbury community. Established in 1987, the early emphasis was on assisting people who had experienced long stays in mental institutions integrate into local communities. Since that time, the Trust has evolved … Continued
An Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is part of an organisation’s Health and Safety strategy. The EAP Programme helps staff deal with personal and work issues which can affect work performance. These issues may include: Marital or Family Difficuties; Alcohol or Drugs; Violence; Parenting Problems; Workplace Conflicts; Grief; Anxiety. All communications and discussions are treated as … Continued
The Centre offers a variety of classes each term: Painting, Folk Art etc.It’s a facility for educational, arts and crafts tuition and a meeting place for art and craft interest groups set on 1.5 acres of public reserve with lovely gardens and established trees. Phone the number above to enquire about groups and courses or … Continued
Aims to: Support people to continue to lead fulfilling lives after a dementia-diagnosis, to raise community awareness and break down barriers associated with all dementias and work towards a dementia-friendly and responsive community, one where people living with dementia feel safe and confident to participate in activities in the community. Provides support and information to people … Continued
A Shop is now available to view meals on site and choose for yourself. The shop is at 9 Raycroft Street, Waltham. Orders can still be made over the phone. NOTE: Answers the phone as “EATL8R” Freshly prepared, nutritious, home cooked meals. Perfect for busy people or those who are just not inclined to cook … Continued
Exercise for fun fitness and health. Strengthen and tone your core muscle, improve flexibility, balance and coordination. Improve digestion. Break up fat deposits, trim your waistline and engage in an aerobic workout that is fun. Monday 7.15 pm Cashmere Wednesday 7.15pm Rolleston Thursday 6.30pm North New Brighton All classes are an hour. Ring the number … Continued
Womens group Wednesday morning 9.45am-12.00 midday during term time. Every second week involves an outing and between is a quest speaker, craft or other social or recreational activity. Make a booking through Bev on the above number. Cost $5.00. For further information regarding their activities, ring the above telephone number. Other services provided: Education / … Continued
Movie afternoons for older people at the Woodend Methodist Church. First Wednesday of every month. Free entry! Gold coin donation for afternoon tea. The movie will start at 1pm and afternoon tea will be served at approximately 3pm. Please contact them if you need transport help – they’re happy to organise a ride for you.