Riccarton Baptist Church (Oak Development Trust)

Oak Development Trust provides resources to help meet the social, emotional, physical and spiritual needs in the Riccarton area. It is an initiative of the Riccarton Baptist Church. NAIL CLINICS – cutting of nails by Nurses 6 weekly on Tuesdays 10am – 4pm. Telephone Carol Renouf 385 4634 or 027 2820693 to make an appointment. … Continued

Pioneer Leisure Centre

Website: www.ccc.govt.nz/leisurecentres or www.pioneer.org.nz Look on website for updated times etc. Offer a wide range of fitness programmes either in our Fitness Centre or part of our Group Exercise programme – Aquafit (exercises to music in the water), Easi Fit (a combination of easy low impact moves for the beginner), Gentle Exercise (suitable for the … Continued

Supporting families Canterbury

Supporting families, whanau and carers of people with mental illness including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, schizo-affective disorder, major depression and related disorders and borderline personality disorder.. Services are free of charge. A community organisation providing support, education courses, advocacy, support groups, referrals to other services, information/resources. They offer support by phone, in your own home, in … Continued

Y’s Walkers (YMCA)

Y Walkers, for older retirees or people who prefer gentle paced walking. Membership is $25 per year which includes a programme of walks and events, free parking at City YMCA and use of their facilities, and inclusion in YMCA Life Fit activities. Meet on Tuesdays at 9.30 am. Walks at varying venues. Ring for details. … Continued

Blaxall Optics

Blaxall Optics Low Vision Limited is a family company with extensive knowledge and understanding of the low vision and magnification field. They specialize in low vision aids and magnifiers for people with low vision and bevel in providing the right product at the right price. It is hard to know if a magnifier or low … Continued

PEPSA Gentle Exercise – CPIT Gym

Gym Training For Seniors Monday and Wednesdays 7.30pm to 8.30pm Cost $7.00 casual and $60 for 10 class concession. Part of the PEPSA exercise success formula, these classes are based in the weights gym. Set to a circuit style, the limited numbers allows constant supervision to occur. Contact Russell about CPIT Gym Training.

Addington.net ( SeniorNet Addington )

At addington.net people have been learning how to use the computer since 2001. Clients have learned how to use Skype and email to keep in touch with family and friends. Others are learning about Facebook and how to blog or do puzzles, games and more. If you want to receive one-on-one computer training in your … Continued

Thinking of living in a retirement village?

This booklet contains important information on rights and responsibilities under the Retirement Villages Act 2003. It provides important information for intending residents, their families and existing residents of retirement villages. Buying into a retirement village is different from buying a house. It is complex, and villages vary in their accommodation, support, management, legal and financial … Continued

Office for Senior Citizens

http:www.msd.govt.nz / www.osc.govt.nz Provides Minister for Senior Citizens with policy advice on matters relating to the well-being of older people in NZ. Works closely with a wide range of government agencies to develop policy and also has a policy commentary role. The Office links closely with community organisations representing the interests of older people, such … Continued

Ascot Community Leisure Club ( Community Centre )

The Ascot Community Centre offers a range of activities for Older Adults. The Centre is warm and accessible with plenty of off street parking. Programmes on offer include: ASCOT LEISURE CLUB a weekly club for older adults featuring a wide range of activities from guest speakers, indoor games and outings. A great opportunity to meet … Continued
