Ascot Community Leisure Club ( Community Centre )

The Ascot Community Centre offers a range of activities for Older Adults. The Centre is warm and accessible with plenty of off street parking. Programmes on offer include: ASCOT LEISURE CLUB a weekly club for older adults featuring a wide range of activities from guest speakers, indoor games and outings. A great opportunity to meet … Continued

Office for Senior Citizens / Provides Minister for Senior Citizens with policy advice on matters relating to the well-being of older people in NZ. Works closely with a wide range of government agencies to develop policy and also has a policy commentary role. The Office links closely with community organisations representing the interests of older people, such … Continued

Funeral Costs

In most cases the price of a funeral will depend on the choices each family makes. The average cost of a funeral, including payment of disbursements can vary depending on a number of items such as: Choice of Casket Floral Tribute Newspaper Announcements Organist/Piper Catering Service Sheets Cremation fees Extra fees apply for funerals on … Continued

Salvation Army Sydenham

5.30pm meal last Saturday of the month – “Connect”. Pizza and family night. For further information ring the above number. Everyone welcome. Align is a women’s get together on the second Saturday of the month. Meetings are held at The Salvation Army, corner of Southampton & Colombo Streets, Sydenham. Contact the number above. Church Sunday … Continued

Mental Health Foundation

The Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand’s work focuses on making mental health everybody’s business. What we do is diverse and expansive, with campaigns and services that cover all aspects of mental health and wellbeing. We take a holistic approach to mental health, promoting what we know makes and keeps people mentally well. We provide … Continued

Life Tubes

A life tube is a small plastic cylinder containing a completed medical and information sheet which is kept in the household refrigerator. The RED STICKER provided should be placed on the outside of the refrigerator. In the event of an emergency Police, Ambulance, Fire Services or Doctor are called and are alerted by the RED … Continued

Men’s Centre ( Mens Centre )

The Canterbury Men’s Centre is a place for men to find their feet and get on with their lives. They provide one-on-one support to help you in this process and know about local services that would be relevant to you. If you would like to go along, or would like to help out then give … Continued

Neighbourhood Trust ( Community Arm of St Albans Baptist Church)

The Neighbourhood Trust is the community arm of the St Albans Baptist Church. Offer people 60+ Golden Connections programme which includes:  Foot Clinic  Enjoy a soak in the foot spa, a nail trim by a registered nurse or beautician, and a foot massage. Bookings essential. Cost: $18 if you bring a towel, $20 if you require us … Continued

National Cervical Screening Programme

Benefits of being on the NCSP Register: The register is a record of all womens’ results and it provides a back-up to the recall service provided by the smear taker, including: initial results letter; notifications letter if the result is not normal; a reminder if the next cervical smear is overdue; a record of a … Continued


Will clean and vallet your oven bringing it back to showroom condition, using products that are safe and caustic free. All ovens cleaned including wall mounted,freestanding,self clean and fan forced. Cook tops, rangehoods and extractor fans too.
