Te Puna Oranga

Work with families around all forms of abuse. Cor service focus is sexual abuse. Hold Kaumatua (Elder) Day once a month. Individuals wanting to attend need to register. Ring the number above. ALSO: – Parenting & Self Awareness Groups for Women – Parenting Group for Men. – Counselling Service

Bridge Club Cashmere area

The Bridge Club play at the Cashmere  Club, Colombo Street on Wednesday afternoons at 1.00pm at the Cashmere Club, Colombo Street South. For further information ring the above telephone numbers.

Papanui Baptist Freedom Trust

Local Christian organisation committed to building caring communitites. -Food bank deliveries -Card and Board games – Make new friends and enjoy afternoon tea, fortnightly Thursdays 1:15 – 4.00pm. $3.00. -Foot Clinic – held every 6/7 weeks on a Friday -Friendship Friday Community Lunch – Main meal and dessert with tea and coffee. Socialising,games and helpful … Continued

Christchurch Community Gardens Association

Community gardens are created and maintained by a local group of people who share similar aims. They recycle resources, and use organic methods. Gardens are utilised to grow flowers, fruit and vegetables for the benefit and enhancement of the local community. It is a place where flowers, fresh herbs and healthy food is available to … Continued

NZ Relay

Telecommunication services for people who are deaf, hearing impaired, deafblind and speech impaired. A standard phone user can also use NZ Relay to make phone calls to deaf, hearing impaired, deafblind and speech impaired by connecting to a relay assistant who relays the entire conversation to your caller. The help desk is available 24 hours … Continued

Deans Avenue Precinct Society

Boundaries: Avon River north of Matai Street East/Railway line/Blenheim Road/Deans Avenue. Ring the number above if you have a strong interest in the area..

Christchurch Personal Guiding Service Inc.

Christchurch Personal Guiding Service Inc. Information: The guides are a group of people who love their City and wish to show it off to others. Walks start almost every day of the year from the red and black kiosk by the Museum entrance. Small groups are guaranteed, allowing for more interaction and more places to … Continued

Bishopdale Community Trust

INFORMATION The Bishopdale Community Trust was established in 1999 to support people in the northwest area of Christchurch, in particular Bishopdale. We do this by helping people feel part of the community and offering a warm welcome when they join us at The Hub (94 Farrington Ave). We operate a number of groups and activities … Continued

Christchurch Meccano Club

Founded in 1929, and is the oldest continuously running Meccano club in the world. There is a reliable and growing membership of Meccano enthusiasts who meet every month. Papanui RSA, 55 Bellvue Avenue (corner Papanui and Harewood Roads), Christchurch. Ring for further information.
