Age Concern Canterbury

OFFICE HOURS: 9.00 am to 4.30 pm Monday to Friday COMMUNITY HEALTH TEAM: Give us a call if you are concerned about an older person. Information and advocacy available. ELDER ABUSE RESPONSE SERVICE: Confidential service aimed at improving the quality of life of older people in abusive situations. ACCREDITED VISITING SERVICE (AVS): A service for … Continued

The Plainsmen

Men who like to sing Barbershop songs. You don’t have to be the world’s best singer to join a chorus; we are regular guys having fun. Our Music Team is always ready to help you make the most of your singing voice. Meet on Monday at 7.15 PM at Methodist Hall, Cnr. Yaldhurst Road and … Continued

Adult Classes Papanui High

Huge range of classes from Art to Yoga including dancing, stone carving, languages, pilates, photography, mosaics, woodwork, cake design, barista guitar and many more.

Christchurch (N.Z) Philatelic Society

Dedicated to promoting philately and philatelic interests in the wider Canterbury area. We welcome those who are starting out on the hobby to old hands. Philatelic Centre, 67 Mandeville Street, Riccarton

Northgate Community Services Trust

Northgate Community Services Trust Northgate Community Trust is the community arm of Northcity Church. The aim is to provide practical service to people and families in need, particularly those that are disadvantaged. They do this by providing the following services at Northcity church: REGULAR PROGRAMMES: Community Health Clinic – Fridays during the school term 10:00am-1:00pm … Continued

Deaf Aotearoa NZ

Provides needs assessment and co-ordination service for people who are profoundly deaf of any age. Also provide interpreters by booking service called iSign, phone 0800 9346837. Run an employment service for deaf people 16-65 and also Adult education programmes.

Nga Hau E Wha National Marae

Nga Hau E Wha National Marae The Christchurch National Marae known as Nga Hau E Wha (Four Winds of the Earth) is situated in Pages Road, Aranui. It is a place of education and celebration. Ring the number above to find out about events and activities.

New Zealand Home Health Association

National body representing providers of home health care services.The association promotes excellence in all areas of home health care. A full list of certified providers is available on their website or from the phone number above. If you have a problem with your provider , you should: – Contact the manager of your service – … Continued

Te Puna Oranga

Work with families around all forms of abuse. Cor service focus is sexual abuse. Hold Kaumatua (Elder) Day once a month. Individuals wanting to attend need to register. Ring the number above. ALSO: – Parenting & Self Awareness Groups for Women – Parenting Group for Men. – Counselling Service
