Akaroa and Bays Rebus

The Akaroa & Bays Rebus group meets on the  second Tuesday of the month in the Trinity Church Hall, Cnr Rue Lavaud and Rue Brittan Akaroa at 10.00am

Banks Peninsula Scottish Country Dance Club

Meeting time is 10am to noon each Monday at the Masonic Lodge  Hall, Rue Jolie, Akaroa.( partners not essential – all people welcome ) Don’t meet over the Summer months.

Dental Association NZ (Canterbury Branch)

A professional organisation for dentists. Will look into consumer complaints and endeavour to resolve the problem. For further information, the above two contacts (who are practising dentists) are the Consumer Relations Officers for the Canterbury area.

Avonside House Trust

Offer residential accommodation for adult males with a mild to moderate needs. Respite Care beds also available. Total of 27 beds. Must go through Lifelinks first Ph 365 9593.

Prisoners Aid & Rehabilitation Trust

PART is a support organisation for people who have friends or family members in prison; also for people who have been in prison & who need readjusting to life in the community. For further information, ring the above telephone. Office hours are 9am to 4pm M to F

Pegasus Health

Welcome to Pegasus Health General Practice Pegasus Health is about General Practice. There are 246 independent General Practitioners, 270 Practice Nurses, over 400 other practice staff including Locums, Practice Managers and support people. Everyday they work in 105 neighbourhoods throughout Christchurch. Each week Pegasus Health GPs and Practice Nurses provide healthcare for around 40,000 Canterbury … Continued

St John Lifelink Medical Alarm

No matter where you are in your home, or out in the garden, if ever you need medical assistance, simply press your St John Lifelink Medical Alarm (pendant or wristband) button. They are lightweight, water resistant and can be worn in the shower. The call will go straight to the St John Communications Centre and … Continued

Dental Council of New Zealand

The Dental Council of New Zealand is the statutory body constituted to protect the public by regulating the practice of dentistry. They do this by means of our statutory responsibilites for registration, education, professional conduct and health. Their primary role is to promote and protect the public interest by ensuring that oral health practitioners are … Continued

Computer Consultant

Dave will train people in the use of computers in their own home. The service is offered to beginners and more advanced, to make them familiar with their own machine. Is a qualified computer technician so can fix computers as well. Ring Dave on the number above for information regarding costs and tuition.

New Zealand Transport Agency ( NZTA )

There have been major changes to the system governing the licensing of older drivers. For further information ring the LTSA Helpdesk numbers 0800 822 422 ( Driver’s Licence ) or look on the above website, click on “Your Driver Licence” at the top, half way down that page find “Renewing or Replacing”, & then click … Continued
