Hands Craft Shop

Sells a wide variety of craft supplies and handcraft materials: Knitting, needlecraft, art supplies, fibrecraft etc traditional and contemporary material supplies. Offers a wide variety of classes, Embroidery, Spinning, , etc. Classes and timetable are listed on the website.

Scottish Society Country Dance Club

The Scottish Society Country Dance Club meets every Tuesday at 7.30pm at the Society’s Hall, corner Edgeware and Caledonian Roads. $3 per night for members, $4 for casual.

The Eldernet Group

The Eldernet group provides a directory of all residential care facilities in New Zealand including rest home, hospital, dementia (D3) and psychogeriatric (D6) levels of care. A vacancy status report operates giving real time bed vacancy information for all aged residential care services. All retirement villages can be found on www.retirementvillages.co.nz.  Support for those who … Continued

Al-Anon Information Helpline

Al- Anon Information Helpline  offers support services for relatives and friends of problem drinkers. Hours of operation are: 10.00am to 2.30pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays. Outside these hours call above number and they will be directed to an after hours contact.

SEWN Christchurch – Formerly Council of Social Services Christchurch

– Social Equity & Wellbeing Network Our mission is to promote social equity, justice and wellbeing by advocating on issues, empowering groups and facilitating collaboration in the social services sector. We are committed to giving effect to the Articles of Te Tiriti o Waitaki/the Treaty of Waitangi.

Driver Training – AA and Gold Card Photo ID

 AA driver training is available for people who wish to update their skills as they approach the renewal of their drivers licence. There is no longer a need to sit an on road drivers test. A doctors certificate is the mandatory requirement but some may wish to build their confidence with on road driver training. … Continued

Financial Assistance with Hearing Aids

Sources of Financial Assistance & Donated Aids: Hearing aids can cost from several hundred to thousands of dollars. There are a number of sources of financial assistance for people needing to purchase aids. However some sources of assistance are only available through members of the NEW ZEALAND AUDIOLOGICAL SOCIETY & people need to be aware … Continued

Akaroa and Bays Rebus

The Akaroa & Bays Rebus group meets on the  second Tuesday of the month in the Trinity Church Hall, Cnr Rue Lavaud and Rue Brittan Akaroa at 10.00am

Vestner NZ Limited

Manufacturers, suppliers and installers of lifts and stair-lifts. For further information regarding these lifts, either ring the adjacent telephone number or have a look at the very informative website www.vestner.co.nz

Muscular Dystrophy Association Canterbury

Offers support , advocacy, info. and education for persons with neuro- muscular conditions. Approved agent to distribute TOTAL MOBILITY vouchers (Subsidised Taxis)
