Hornby Working Mens Club

Food and beverage, weekly entertainment, variety of sporting pursuits, gaming machines and TAB

126 On the Corner

The following activities are held at St Aidans – Hei Hei Broomfield Community Development Trust MONDAYS: Cooking classes, men & women welcome, 1-3pm Cost $1.00 plus some ingredients; take home the meal. TUESDAYS: Ladies only, variety of activities eg crafts, outings, etc; 1-3pm; cost varies depending on the activity. WEDNESDAYS: The Walking Group weekly charge … Continued

St Peter’s Anglican Church

Coffee & Chat each Thursday 10-12 noon, all welcome. AAW (Assn of Anglican Women) Daytime group 1st Wednesday of the month 10a.m. and evening group 3rd Wednesday each month, 7.30 p.m. Good News Club – Sunday School each Sunday during term time 9.30 am. Youth Group – Fridays 6-9 pm during term time. Exercise class … Continued

Common Ground Cafe

Common Ground Cafe – Held on the 1st and 3rd Fridays 1.00pm -3.00pm. Tea, coffee and homemade food. Men and women of all ages welcome. Some activities available. Oak Development Trust – Various older persons gatherings: Bi monthly Wednesday afternoons. Free variety entertainment for men and women. Afternoon tea with discussion relating to topic.

Presbyterian Support Upper South Island

Offer specialised counselling and social work for older people, their families and carers. ENLIVEN POSITIVE AGEING groups are available and held at the Campbell Centre, 44 Bealey Avenue, (unless otherwise stated). For further information or to enrol for groups, phone 363 8214. HomeShare: Support older people living in their home community. HomeShare invites small groups … Continued

Oaklands Women’s Institute

Meets 1st Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm at the Plunket Rooms in Fern Drive.     Arts and crafts, speakers and demonstrations    .Ring the above numbers for further information

Cathedral City Line Dancers

Line Dance for Fun is aimed at people 50 plus but any age group welcome. MOTTO: Line Dancing is great exercise to great music, with great people. Fun with ‘U’ in the middle. Various social events are held throughout the year (check the above website.) CLASSES FOR 2021 – 22 Monday Evening Bromley Community Centre, … Continued

Kiwianis Club of Christchurch

Kiwianis is a global organisation of volunteers dedicated to changing the world, one child, one community at a time. Riccarton Club meets 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 6.00pm. Kiwianis Club of North West Christchurch Meet at the Becks  Southern Alehouse   155 Colombo Street  Beckenham

Nurse Maude Hospital

  Nurse Maude Hospital is a 75-bed, fully licensed hospital with registered nursing and medical staff who hold strong to the philosophy that the welfare of the patient must come first. The hospital specialises in caring for older people and those needing palliative care. Care for patients is provided based on the recommendations from the … Continued
