Kaiapoi Baptist Church

Looking for company in Kaiapoi? Try Kaiapoi Baptist Church. All enquiries welcome. Office open Tuesday – Friday 9.30 – 12.30. Lunch Friday 12 noon – $2 donation. For further information ring the above telephone number.

Ceroc Dance Club

Learn to partner dance to your favourite music. A blend of dances, simple and easy to learn in a warm, friendly, safe environment. $14 casual (or $11 with concession card or supergold card). Mondays 7.30pm-10pm Papanui High School; Tues 7.30-10.00 Christchurch South Intermediate School, Selwyn Street; Thursdays, 7.30pm-10pm, St Albans Shirley Club, 269 Hills Road; … Continued

City Ramblers

Meets at 10.30am Tuesdays at various locations. While the group consists mainly of women and men who are 50+ all are welcome to join. Offer a varied programme – between 6 and 8k on each walk. Cost: $5 per year. For further information, contact Joan on the above telephone number. Take lunch and enjoy each … Continued

WEA Field Club

An established group of over 50’s used to encourage outdoor activity, the enjoyment of natural history and the beauty of the countryside. Monthly bus trips on the 3rd Saturday of every month. For further information contact Barbara on the above telephone number.

Hoon Hay Presbyterian Church

Community Groups Craft Group, every 2nd & 4th Wednesday in Church Lounge. Scottish Country Dancing, Wednesday nights in Church Hall at 7.30p.m. Steady as You Go (SayGo) Friday at 9.30 am There are two halls & a lounge that are available for hire.

Depend Products

Depend Products give guaranteed protection . Offer a range of extra absorbent products that are comfortable and discreet. For further information phone the Depend Consumer Advisory Service, toll free on 0800 733 703 (this is an Australian answerphone, call after 7.45am)

Reid Technology

Supplies the following: Assistive Listening Devices and Alarm Systems Stock a wide range of amplified telephones – both corded and cordless, as well as wireless alarm systems for the deaf and hearing impaired. We also stock infra-red cordless systems for television and radio for home or office, and cross-the-counter hearing aid batteries. Personal amplifiers are … Continued

St Allisa Court Rest Home

Full rest home, dementia and hospital care available. Also provides short-term care, respite care support and day care. All clients should be advised to request a referral from their G.P. for a full assessment before entering rest home care.

Find a rest home

I think my parent needs care, what should I do? This website will tell you everything you need to know about the aged care process, from how to get an assessment right through to entering into a rest home or hospital. The nine steps of the Aged Care Process will explain what you need to … Continued
