Burnside Elim Church

Thursdays at 10.00am. Drop in for a tea/coffee and chat. Admission is free; a donation towards morning tea is appreciated. Sit and be fit – gentle exercise programme for the over 60s. Tuesday 1.30-2.15 pm. $5.00 per session.

Beneficiary Advisory Service

http://www.bas.org.nz/ A community based group providing support, advocacy and information for people on benefits and low income. Recommended to ring and make an apointment. Hours: 9.30 am – 3.30pm Monday-Thursday 9.30am-2.00pm Friday

Friends And Neighbours

A social gathering for older people. Meet on a Tuesday afternoon at 1pm (except the first one in the month) at St Marys Church Hall, 329 Halswell Road, Halswell. Play cards, scrabble and housie, pot luck lunches and outings, quiz afternoons. Contact Judy for a fun afternoon.

Gordon & Till Audiology

Friendly ,affordable, high quality hearing care. Locally owned and operated. Services include free hearing screening, full hearing tests and a full range of hearing aids. A full hearing test is free with the purchase of hearing aids. Home visits by arrangement.

Belfast Friendly Club

Meets every 2nd Monday at 1:30 pm, at the Belfast rugby and communication centre. 18 March Place, Belfast, We provide friendship, play housie and enjoy the occasional social outing. Cups of tea and coffee included. New members very welcome.

Canterbury Caledonian Society

Promote the music, dancing and culture of all things Scottish. Have 3 Pipe Bands who meet each week as well as other groups. Ring the above contact for up to date information. Please ring evenings.

Ellesmere Foodbank

Hours of operation: anytime. Ring first, Monday to Friday, and make an appointment.

Hornby Good Companions

Meet each Monday at 1.00pm,  at the Hornby  Club, Carmens Road. Play Housie, Quiz. Entertainment and/or bus trips once a month. For further information regarding their social activities, ring the above telephone number or email.

Duchenne Dental Services Ltd

Duchenne offers – Full Dentures: Partials: Immediate Dentures: Relines: Repairs: Emergency Repairs, Complimentary consultations and information service. Ring on landline or on cellphone 021 567 219. This number covers their Christchurch dental services. Duchenne also have sites at corner of Clyde and Ilam Roads; 269 Colombo St, Sydenham; 211 Linwood Ave; Cnr Bower & Rookwood, … Continued

Christchurch City Council

  The ONLINE WEBSITE: www.ccc.govt.nz/HaveYourSay has been set up to allow people to have their say about what the Christchurch City Council is doing and get involved in local issues and projects. WALKING: Leisure Centres, Walking Groups, Older Adults Active Recreation, Active Christchurch Walk N Talk and Sunday Walk. Walk Christchurch – Short Walks that … Continued
