Wayfarers Walking Group

Meets on Thursdays at 9:30am (Summer) 10:00am (Winter) for walks around Christchurch for men & women 50+ age group. Walks are 2 hours on the flat. Cost: varies. The group enjoys lunch together following the walk. For further information contact the above telephone number.

St Ninians Church

Sunday services at 9.30 am. Office hours are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9:30am until 12:30pm Menzshed call the parish (03) 348 6418 The church also has available for booking 2 lounges that can seat 20-40 with small kitchen attached & a hall. . THURSDAY at 10am Coffee/tea & muffins weekly. For further information ring (03) … Continued

Linwood Ave Union Church Walking Group

City Council Walk and Talk group held at the church every Wednesday 10:00am. Informative talks follow the walk on alternate Wednesdays. Church office/drop in centre open 9:00am-12:00pm mid-day Ring the above number for further information.

Aqua Gym

Adult Lessons Private lessons for adults are available for all abilities. Aqua jogging available. Aquabelt hire available at no extra charge. For further information ring the above telephone number.

Hornby Croquet Club

Welcomes new members of all ages. Free coaching offered. Plays Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday in summer from 1pm Plays Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday in winter from 1pm Also play Golf Croquet which is very easy to learn.          

Ellesmere Tramping Group

Meet on Thursdays at 9 am for day tramps around Canterbury, all ages welcome ,car pool from Leeston ,Dunsandel, Lincoln Areas For further information, contact Trish at the above number.

St Marys Anglican Church Hall

FRIENDS & NEIGHBOURS FELLOWSHIP GROUP: Social gathering for lonely & retired, cards, housie, raffles, outings, entertainment, tea & coffee $1.00 per visit, arrange bus outings. Meets on Tuesday 1 pm (except 1st Tuesday of the month). Contact the Church office on the number above or Judy Palmer Ph 420 0923. AAW – Daytime Group – … Continued

St Faiths Anglican Church

Gentle Exercise Class (For Older People). Each Thursday Morning 9:30am to 10:30am in Church Hall. Sit and be fit class – Monday 1:00pm – 2:00pm Community Lunch – every Wednesday at 12:00pm Foot Clinic – Wednesday afternoon every 3 weeks Fruit and Vege Co-op every Tuesday 2:00pm – 6:00pm for pick up of ordered vegetables … Continued

Mt Pleasant/Heathcote Anglican Church

Community Lunch: Lunch is served for mainly older people living alone or who enjoy meeting up with friends. If you would like to join, contact Judy on 3841379. AAW – Ladies Meeting. 3rd Tuesday of each month. 7.30pm. Contact Pat Owen Ph 328 8182 Services alternate, at St Mary’s, Heathcote and the Church of Ascension, Major … Continued

WEA – Canterbury Workers Educational Association

Established in 1915, the Canterbury Workers Educational Association (WEA) is a voluntary non-profit, community, adult education association. The WEA aims to provide education for personal growth and towards the establishment of a just and equitable society. Here in Christchurch, WEA strives to provide affordable courses of a high standard that encourage discussion and respond to … Continued
