Enduring Power of Attorney EPA

The Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988 (PPPR Act) introduced the concept of an Enduring Power of Attorney. It is designed to ‘provide protection and promotion of the personal and property rights of persons who are not fully able to manage their own affairs’. There are two kinds of enduring powers of attorney … Continued

Specsavers Optometrists

Specsavers advertise widely on TV & in the newspapers. Please note we offer  SuperGold card holder benefits For further information & to make an appointment, ring any of the telephone numbers listed below:- Other Specsaver retail outlets: Westfield Riccarton – 3431499 Hornby Mall 349 5193 The Palms – 3852780 Alternatively visit http://www.specsavers.co.nz

Shakti Ethnic Womens Support

Shakti is a specialist provider of culturally competent support services for women, children and families of Asian, African and Middle Eastern origin. Our goal is to facilitate an empowering environment for ethnic women and children so that they live a life free from fear and violence and are able to exercise their rights, choices and … Continued

Super Gold Card Centre (SuperGold Card )

The Super Gold Card is a free discounts and concessions card available to New Zealand residents who are aged 65 years or over and those under 65 years receiving New Zealand Superannuation or the Veteran’s Pension. If you want to add a photo to your card, you can do this at your nearest AA Driver … Continued

Allan Bean Centre Library

The New Zealand Spinal Trust’s (NZST) mission is to empower people with spinal cord impairmentsand their whanau to embrace positive futures. We provide support and information services across New Zealand to help people overcome challenges, create strong networks and pursueoppotunities following their spinal impairment.   The Allan Bean Centre Resource centre was demolished in 2015 … Continued


Musical concerts the way they used to be, presented by professional singers. Daytime concerts feature classic hits from every style; famous, favourite songs presented in a fun, friendly informal way. Concerts begin at 11.00am and include lunch. Venue in Christchurch is La Vida centre, 34a Hansons Lane, Upper Riccarton. Operatunity Travel club specialises in quality, … Continued

Wainoni Avonside Community Services (WACS)

WACST@Burwood, 58130 Burwood Road, is a venue where people of all ages can meet for fun & enjoy the company of others. ACTIVITIES PROGRAMMES: MONDAY     Tai Chi                               10am – 11am         $3 Zumba Gold          … Continued

Laughter Yoga

Breathing, gentle stretching, laughter and relaxation exercises. Reduces stress and tension. Can have a big impact on health and wellbeing. Important for people who don’t get a lot of aerobic exercise or are depressed. Open Community class 11am Sunday at the Scottish Society Centre (corner of Caledonian and Edgeware Roads) Cost $3. Seating available.

Aqua Fit

AquaFit Get fit while toning and shaping your body using the resistance of water. With lots of intensity options given, this class is ideal for beginners, seniors, pregnant mums and those recovering from injury. Our skilled instructors and energising music will provide you with a great workout while having fun and burning calories. Using all … Continued

Happy Ramblers

Meet for walks around various areas, 70+ age group for men & women. Timetable and venue published 6 months in advance. Cost: $10.00 per year. For further information and timetable contact the above.
