Restoring Family Links Red Cross Society

One of the oldest services in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement, this service helps families in New Zealand locate news of missing loved ones. This service helps families in New Zealand locate news of missing loved ones overseas where the separation was caused by war, armed conflict, disaster or migration.We cannot assist in searches … Continued

Celebrity Speakers (NZ) Ltd

Celebrity Speakers (NZ) Ltd offer a list for conference programmes which can be obtained by browsing their website. The list will be updated periodically to ensure there are fresh options, with new speakers and entertainment, to choose from.Obligation free for a quote for speakers.

500 Card Club

The 500 card group now meet on a Monday, 1.15pm to 4pm, at the Papanui RSA, 55 Bellvue Avenue, Papanui. For further information regarding this, ring the above telephone number

Civil Defence

Canterbury Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) is a partnership of local authorities, emergency services and other organisations tasked with ensuring the effective delivery of civil defence emergency management in Canterbury. Civil Defence volunteers work throughout Christchurch in major emergencies. Develop new skills, learn how to help others, meet new people. To find out more ring … Continued

Ear Health Canterbury

Since 1995 Ear Health has pioneered ear care services and ear wax removal in New Zealand. Ear Health is built on a commitment to provide you with health services which are professional, efficient and delivered to an exceptional standard. We are entirely New Zealand owned and operated, and from Invercargill to Kerikeri we take pride … Continued

Walk N Talk Halswell

A guided, flat, 30 minute walk in your local area. Meet on a Monday at Te Hāpua: Halswell Centre – Halswell Library 341 Halswell Road at 10am (parking available). Wear clothing suitable for the weather and comfortable walking shoes. Bring a drink bottle. Parents with strollers are welcome. Contact phone number is the Christchurch City … Continued

Familial Trust

Offer education and support for families of alcoholics, drug addicts and problem gamblers. Also Outpatient treatment programme. For further information, ring the above telephone number.

Driving & Vehicle Assessment Service

DAVAS can sometimes be involved in the process that is needed to renew a driver’s licence. The service offers recommendations on a person’s driving safety, following an accident related injury, or medical condition. GPs will often refer clients to DAVAS because there is some concern about their medical condition/health impacting on their driving safety. The … Continued

Super Community Link Linwood – Work and Income NZ

Ministry of Social Development (Work and Income NZ) provide a specialised service to Superannuitants at their six Service Centres throughout Christchurch including Linwood. The NZ Super interviewers are trained specialists in the NZ Superannuation area. Call the freephone number above to make an appointment. Note: Unless listed otherwise, all locations are open on Monday to Friday … Continued

Christchurch City Council – Facilities for Hire

Venues for hire Christchurch City Council operates community venues which are available for hire by groups for a variety of social, educational and recreational activities. Each facility is unique, offering a different configuration of space and equipment to cater for a range of community needs. You can also search for a hall for hire using … Continued
