Unichem Brighton Village

  Unichem New Brighton has walking sticks available. See Telephone Directory (white pages) for full list of UNICHEM pharmacies in the Christchurch area.

MHERC Mental Health Education and Resource Centre

MHERC Mental Health Education and Resource Centre is the CDHB outpatient child and youth mental health service for rural Canterbury. Previously known as the Family Mental Health Service. While they continue to offer a free service – certain criteria must be met for counselling. Referrals can be made by a health professional, school counsellors and … Continued

Super Centre New Brighton – Work and Income NZ

, Work and Income NZ provide a specialised service to Superannuitants at their six Service Centres. The NZ Super Interviewers are trained specialists in the NZ Superannuation area. Call the freephone number above. Note: At the Service Centre, Superannuitants are now seen by Senior Service personnel.

Hei Hei Leisure Club

HEI HEI LEISURE CLUB FOR OLDER ADULTS meets Thursdays 1pm to 3pm at the Salvation Army Community Centre. 23 Manurere Street Hei Hei. The club offers a fun programme featuring art and craft demonstrations, guest speakers, mystery outings and entertainment. Cost $3 per week, which covers venue and afternoon tea. Outings may require extra costs. … Continued

Sit and be Fit and Gentle Exercise

Monday Movers. Halswell Baptist Church, 6 Balcairn Street, Halswell, on Mondays at 1.15pm. Cost $5 (includes tea/coffee). Contact Sarah Brown 322 7244, for further information. Also have classes at Burnside Elim Community Church,193 Grahams Rd,Burnside, Tuesdays 1:30pm, cost $4.00. Contact Burnside Elim, ph 358 4486, for further information and ask for Gary. Paula also takes … Continued

National Poisons Centre

National poison hotline 0800 POISON ( 0800 764 766 ) – This is a 24 hour, 7 days a week number. The National Poisons Centre (NPC), established in 1964, is part of the Dunedin School of Medicine at the University of Otago. It provides a 24-hour, 365-days-a-year free phone service to both health professionals and … Continued

Friendly Support Network

The Friendly Support Network is an organisation run by voluntary workers who are trained to give help and support in situations of need or stress to people of mainly Dutch descent. The help or support is generally of a moral rather than financial nature. We are a charitable organisation.

Community Rehabilitation Enablement & Support Team ( CREST )

CREST home support was launched in April 2011 to ease pressure on capacity-stretched hospitals after the earthquakes. It began as a community-based supported discharge team to facilitate earlier discharge from hospital to appropriate home-based rehabilitation services. It has since been extended to accept referrals directly from general practice, providing older people referred this way with … Continued

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Trust

If you are a grandparent raising a grandchild you can get lots of support through Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Trust. A booklet has been published ‘Help for Kinship Carers’ which tells you about the different types of financial support you may be able to apply for. They also have a 76 page book called “Grandparents Raising … Continued

Depression Support Network

The Depression Support Network offers group and one-to-one support to people over the age of 15 years who either experience depression themselves, or support a loved one who has depression. They provide education about depression to raise awareness and increase knowledge about it within the community. Support Groups – Adult Groups; Friends and Family Group; … Continued
