Knit and Stitch

Held at the Hope Presbyterian Church     Amyes Road    Hornby. Ring the above number for more details.

Halswell Community Craft Group

Meetings each Wednesday morning during school term times. 9.30am – 12.00noon. Card making, knitting, crochet, etc. Bring along your own work or something to share with others.

Hei Hei Variety Group

A weekly group that meets on a Tuesday from 1.00pm – 3.00pm. Offers a variety of crafts and activities.

Addington Lifestyle Care

Situated in one of Christchurch’s most vibrant and exciting suburbs, Addington Gardens caters for all levels of care and offers a range of premium rooms including Care Suites. Addington Gardens is known in the community for being a ‘home away from home’, with its warm, welcoming feel, and spacious rooms and lounges. There’s always something … Continued

Red Cross

The New Zealand Red Cross provides: * Disaster response and relief nationally and internationally * Emergency preparedness training programmes, including FIRST AID classes * Education on the Geneva Conventions and other key Human Rights documents * Community Services to the vulnerable people in our communities New Zealand Red Cross has an Outreach programme designed to … Continued

Aspire Canterbury

Aspire Canterbury has been an integral part of the Canterbury disabled community for over 40 years. A not-for-profit we offer free support, advice and resources throughout Canterbury. We are a Disability Information Centre. We have a mobile service that can bring our products and information to you. We also offer the Total Mobility card which … Continued

Halswell Pottery Group

Well equipped and supportive group. New members welcome. Classes for all skill levels during term times. Gallery open week-ends 11.00am – 3.00pm. Write to 9 Candys Road, Halswell, Christchurch 8025 to inquire or email the above address.

SeniorNet Canterbury Inc. (Senior Net)

Provides opportunity for people over the age of 50 years to learn technology skills in a friendly environment. A non-profit making organisation helping them to become more confident and competent computer users. SeniorNet Canterbury Courses are based on the Microsoft Word operating system but they also have workshops covering Android and Ipad smart phones and tablets.
